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Liberals unraveling

As hard as I try to avoid enjoying the misfortune of others, I can't help but grin when I consider the current state of affairs among liberals and Democrats in America. Michael Moore, having spent the DNC in a booth with President Carter, is now declaring John Kerry to be a "lousy candidate". (When did MM learn how to be honest?) Teresa Kerry's most thought-provoking comments lately have been: suggesting that a reporter should "shove it", stating that anyone who opposes federally funded socialized medicine is "an idiot", and most recently she has called her detractors "scumbags". Additionally, some links between her and terrorist groups have been implied, if not proven. While I understand the anti-war, anti-America, communist crowd's collective hatred towards George Bush, I simply find it beyond belief that so many otherwise clear thinking Americans are going to vote to put this woman in the White House. Sadly, as Zel Miller told us recently, the Democrat party has left him and many other old time Democrats. A party which once fought for noble causes, today's Democrat party has morphed itself into a collection of competing special interests, most of which are fronts for global communist organizations. If you thought Hillary Clinton was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet...fortunately I believe that when America goes to vote in a few weeks, they will remember what they believe and they will understand that hatred for Bush cannot overrun their own desires for security. Sadly, John Kerry is still the same man who came home from Vietnam undermining America's safety and security, and Americans will not forget that.