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Clinton supports Kerry?

Reuters reports that Clinton was out campaigning for Kerry the other day. I guess this is the statement most telling about who Clinton wants to win this election.
  • "If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other is trying to get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the one who wants you to think and hope," he said.
Let's see...Bush talks about free elections in Afghanistan and Iraq, young workers getting a chance to own their own social security fund, home ownership levels at all time highs, education reform that is working, 75% of al-Qaeda being killed or caught, Libya giving up its WMD programs, and aggressively battling global terrorists through courage and bravery of our outstanding military.

On the other hand...Kerry talks about failing schools, Republican plots to draft kids into military service, bigots who prevent gay "rights", social security benefits being cut, rich people getting tax breaks while "most of us" are struggling, enourmous job losses, the worst economy in 70 years, failed energy and environmental policies and a world inflamed at the United States.

Ann Coulter talks about the Democrat strategy of needing black votes but not doing anything to earn them. "40 Excuses and a Mule"