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Real reason for Iraq war?

UPDATE: 31 October 2004

Well, it seems as though I am not the only one who suspects our plan to "rebuild Iraq" might have something to do with resurrecting the badly damaged, and getting worse all the time, American economy. Are we working to create a new Iraqi state full of consumers looking to buy American goods and perform work for American companies? Judge for yourself...

Here are the relevant websites for the Commerce Dept. and State Dept. regarding Iraq reconstruction.

POSTED: 22 September 2004
China is the largest foreign lender to the United States. Aside from the Federal Reserve, the US government owes China more money than anyone else. This model seems to be working for the Chinese, and I'm beginning to wonder if Bush and the "neocons" are doing the same thing in Iraq. By developing new markets in Iraq, US corporations will have 25 million new customers all of a sudden. While it's clear that Saddam had to go in order to secure ourselves against WMD attacks, we've yet to find the WMD that he had been working on. Republicans have now decided to tell us that free Iraqi people will cause the entire islamic world to turn on itself and "fix" the problem of extremists who cut heads off people and explode themselves in crowded areas. All this while continue to allow open borders into America. Why is our focus and resolve on Iraq so strong while we so nonchalantly allow our precious resources to be diverted from hunting the terrorists and the weapons that are in any of a dozen other countries?