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No need to panic in Holland?

Apparently, this German columnist thinks that the Van Gogh murder in Holland was the first such event in history, and that we should just accept the inevitable nature of such violence between radical islamists and the civilized world.
  • Just as bad, if less so, was the opinion of other "experts", who have been calling for tolerance and liberalism since the Amsterdam murder while at the same time saying that a reason for the violence is that Holland let in too many Muslims -- with a little less than a million, still a higher per capita count than in Germany.

    Can you declare liberalism and tolerance for dead just because one fanatic committed a ghastly murder and because he became a fanatic in a radical Muslim community?

    As unsatisfying as this sounds: things like that can happen -- in every country. There are fanatics everywhere; especially in these times, where religion is increasingly being misused for political purposes.

Is this guy writing policy for the Democrat party in America? After all, the muslims who think the entire world should revert to 7th century islamic law have the right to their opinions. Of course, if we actually DID revert to that society, there would be no right to dissent. The ignorance and obtuse level of such opinions really frighten me. The muslims are silently taking over Europe and North America, while Jimmy Carter and the NY Times are busy celebrating Yasser Arafat with their heads buried deeply in the appeasement sand.