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The United Nations is clearly anti Israel

According to this article in the Jewish World Review, the United Nations held a day of memorial tribute for the victims of the Auschwitz camp.
  • U.N. member states delivered 41 speeches over the course of the day. Only five of those speeches mentioned Israel.
  • Widening the lens, we notice that last month the U.N. adopted 22 resolutions condemning the state of Israel, and four country-specific resolutions criticizing the human-rights records of the other 190 U.N. member states.
Although I do not understand why the United States conducts foreign policy which often furthers Israel's agenda at the detriment of our own, it is becoming apparent that we are straddling a fence.

By remaining a member of the United Nations, America is single-handedly maintaining credibility of the body most responsible for perpetuating anti-Israel sentiment. How can this be?

The best thing we could do for Israel, and ourselves, would be to immediately withdraw from the United Nations. Were that to happen, the United Nations would become irrelevant and likely collapse entirely.

Both the United Statess and Israel would again be able to freely operate in their own best interests as independent and sovereign states. Each would provide for her own security and stability according to their own laws, according to the will of their own people.

Unfortunately, the forces moving the world towards world government are strong, and it is likely that President Bush and many in the U.S. government are willing participants in what some call the "New World Order".

One need only reference the bill voted on by the US Congress which authorized the Iraq war, specifically the repeated mentions of UN resolutions as justification of the Iraq invasion, to see that the US military is currently being used to enforce UN policy.

Our government tells us that establishing a democratically elected government in Iraq is more important to our national security than establishing secure borders between Mexico and the United States and enforcing existing U.S. laws regarding immigration.