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Were there tsunami warnings?

Since there have been numerous reports suggesting that few, if any, animals perished in the Asian tsunami, I conclude that there were warnings. Now, the warnings didn't come from fancy satellites or intricate oceanic monitoring equipment, but they were likely there.

In his column entitled "Tsunami Warning", Paul deParrie says:
  • As I looked at the map of the affected area of this tsunami, it was clear to me that there were two characteristics of the worst-hit locations: 1) they were areas where there is severe persecution against Christians by fanatical Moslems (mostly) and fanatical Hindus and Buddhists, and 2) there were many luxury, sex-tourist resort areas included. Phuket, where many of the media talking heads wound up, is supposed to be the child-sex industry capitol in Southeast Asia.
Was this an act of God, designed to punish non-believers and sinners?

Why is the US government helping to rebuild the lives and infrastructure of people who otherwise hate us, many of whom are likely involved in the SE Asian "terror networks"?