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Socialists scared of Google

According to Reuters:
  • France's national library has raised a "war cry" over plans by Google to put books from some of the world's great libraries on the Internet and wants to ensure the project does not lead a domination of American ideas.

    Jean-Noel Jeanneney, who heads France's national library and is a noted historian, says Google's choice of works is likely to favor Anglo-Saxon ideas and the English language.

Of course, this exemplifies the socialist mindset to a tee. This frog expects Google to limit its sale of advertisements by deliberately not serving up certain books. Since Msr. Jeanneney doesn't explain capitalism, allow me to explain it in a nutshell. Google couldn't care less in what language the book is written or the subject of its content. Google wants web traffic and will do whatever it can to get it.

From the UK, PcPRO adds that:
  • Jeanneney admits that equivalent French projects can't compete with the resources of Google. Instead, he calls upon the European Union to make `a generous budget' available to run a parallel project to digitise Europe's libraries and provide a cultural counterbalance.
No surprise here, socialists running to the government to solve problems for the People. Is Msr. Jeanneney so pessimistic as to conclude that no Frenchmen are capable of duplicating Google's technology? Do private investors not exist who would be willing to fund a worthy business model organized by able and talented people who wish to compete with Google?