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Poverty is a choice...

Walter Williams explains How Not to Be Poor.

What struck me the most is that while we constantly hear about "large segments of the black community living in poverty", a two-parent family with 2 kids where both parents work minimum wage jobs can exceed the federal poverty guidelines by $3000 annually.

Therefore, any family who lives in poverty does so by choice.

Also interesting are the facts that blacks have been involved in city government and school administration in many of America's urban areas, and yet those schools produce some of the most ill-prepared students of all.

Finally, Williams hits it out of the park by explaining how blacks and whites who live in families with two parents are equally well to do financially, thereby demonstrating how the real curse of the black family is not the skin color, but the absence of one parent.

Of course, the left at this point is claiming that black men aren't around because racist police and prosecutors put them in jail at much higher proportional rates. (Not that black men are statistically more likely to violate the law.)