Fishy smelling pork...

This picture illustrates everything wrong with our federal government today. The Congress of the United States is telling the taxpayers that the fruit of our labor should be taken away from us to paint murals on airplanes in Alaska instead of left in the wallets of those who earn it for the education of our own children, the improvement of our own houses, a vacation or a personal retirement savings account.
Nope. Ted Stevens and the rest of the big spending Republicans believe that they sit in power to spend money they didn't earn on projects which benefit few people except themselves.
Can it be that the party that runs on a platform of larger government is actually the party of smaller government?
This article illustrates the point I made on Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday about how each party actually moves in the other direction from its stated platform in an effort to steal voters from the opposition party.
With the Republicans in charge of both chambers of the Congress and the White House, government spending has increased more than any time since the disastrous Great Society of LBJ. Not only that, but the Majority Leader in the House recently told America that the federal government is operating at near peak efficiency.
(Don't try to tell me this spending is all about homeland security. Think about the doubling of the Department of Education, the huge prescription drug spending bill, the massive highway bill with over 6000 pork projects, the Katrina relief package...)
While I am not yet ready to register with a political party, as I am committed to maintaining my independence, my patience with the Republican Party has been exhausted as of this moment.
Having recently found out that my representative in the House opposes oil drilling off the coast of Florida on the basis that such activity should be decided by the People of Florida alone I was discouraged about our nation's committment to release itself from the stranglehold the Arabs have on us by virtue of our addiction to oil.
As if that weren't enough, I then learned that my Congressman supports federal authority to investigate and prosecute people who "price gouge" during disasters. Sadly, I am realizing that even a man annually ranked among the most conservative of all House members has caved into political pressure from the uneducated masses who have no basic understanding of economics.
An email I received from the Constitution Party states:
As American Conservative Union Chairman David A. Keene pointed out, "Excluding military and homeland security, American taxpayers have witnessed the largest spending increase under any preceding president and Congress since the Great Depression." Tom Schatz of Citizens Against Government Waste announced that his group will soon be releasing a list of $2 trillion in proposed federal budget cuts.
In the end, salvation of our once great Republic may be impossible before we experience another massive national depression. It has happened before, and with the "small" government party running the country into bigger debts and fraud than ever before, can you be so sure that it won't happen again?
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