Boiling things down...
The 9th Circuit Appeals Court recenly stated that government schools retain the final authority regarding appropriate curricula in schools and that parents cannot overrule the decision of the school as to what it will teach and what it will not.
Yet, the same leftists who believe public education to be a proper role of government somehow oppose government involvement in situations where children seek abortions.
The Supreme Court is hearing arguments today about a New Hampshire law, passed by the NH legislature, requiring parents to be notified in case of a minor child seeking an abortion.
Most political issues in America today ultimately can be reduced to a discussion as to the legitimate degree of state power and which areas of public policy are to be handled at each level of government.
Statists who claim federal domain over the education of children cannot reasonably place responsibility for the failure of that education to anyone but the state. If the state insists on teaching children about sex, beginning in the first grade, minor children who get pregnant ought be considered failures of state policy, and responsible law should require the government to admit mistakes and failures of its policy, just as the Democrat party almost uniformly demands of President Bush when it comes to “his” Iraq policy.
The only alternative is to conclude that pregnant minors do not represent a failure of government policy, in which case no admission of guilt or wrongdoing would be necessary or expected.
If and when government policy produces results contrary to the stated intent of the original policy mission, responsible government must admit its shortcomings and present plans for future improvement. A government which usurps power not explicitly given to it and deliberately or systematically hides its failures is not a credible government, and is not a government that operates in the interests of the People it purports to represent.
Those who oppose government notification to parents of minors seeking abortion can only do so in an attempt to hide or diminish the levels of government failure.
The statist left claims abortion is about protecting individuals from improper government interference into the 'privacy rights' of individual Americans. However, these same leftists take quite a different approach when the 'privacy rights' argument is used when it comes to eliminating social welfare programs, publicly funded school systems, mandatory retirement savings accounts, restrictions on gun ownership, property redistribution through use of eminent domain law, or restoring the natural property rights of income earners.
No, the truth is that the majority of the “pro-choice” loud mouths who oppose parental notification simply wish to avoid any recognition of failure of government policies they have spent a lifetime advocating.
Government schools
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