Turbin supports foreign energy dependence...
Now that the Senate "hijackers" have opened the doors to the public once again, there is a debate going on about the ANWR drilling legislation that recently went through (finally).
Several thoughts come to mind, especially when I listen to Senator Turbin (C-Stalingrad).
He began by telling us that ANWR was first closed to development in 1960 by President Eisenhower. He did not explain, however, under what authority the President and Congress conducted that theft of property from the People of Alaska. What right do Senators from Rhode Island or Oklahoma have to dictate to the People of Alaska how they may or may not use the land in their State?
Second, Senator Turbin says that ANWR is one of the few remaining protected parcels of land, and that it is a vital interest to the People of our country. Frankly, whether or not it is a barren wasteland, it is not accessible to 99% of Americans, so the logic behind an argument that I should support keeping its status as protected is doubly faulty. Not only do I not have any legal right to do so, but I have no practical reason to do so either.
Of course, in my fantasy world, some Senator would make a motion to kick Senator Turbin out of the Senate for blatantly lying. I cherish our system of government and its structure which provides for open debate on the relevant issues, but for a United States Senator to take to the floor, in front of television cameras broadcasting himself around the country and around the world via the internet, is absolutely dispicable and cannot be permitted to continue if our Republic is to survive.
Just for the record, here are the facts about federally owned land, of which Senator Turbin claims ANWR is one of a very few remaining parts.
According to NationalAtlas.gov: "The Federal Government owns nearly 650 million acres of land - almost 30 percent of the land area of the United States."

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