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Is John Kerry bipolar?

In 1991, John Kerry opposed the military action taken by President George HW Bush using much the same rhetoric as he used when he returned home from Vietnam, and as he is using today. Suggesting we should use dipl0macy or economic sanctions to dissuade Saddam Hussein from his quest at Middle East domination, he voted against the war resolution. Saddam was turned back from Kuwait, but left in power in large part so that Iran was not able to take over Iraq and expand its control in the region.
Since then, Bill Clinton has made Iraqi regime change the official policy of the United States in 1998, following a vote by the US Congress. Since 11 September 2001, John Kerry has taken nearly every conceivable position on the issue of what we should do about Iraq. From 1998 through 2003, Kerry repeatedly stated with no uncertainty that Saddam was a threat to his people, the region, and the world because of his stated intent to produce weapons of mass murder. Kerry voted to give President Bush the authority to use force against Saddam. Then when the President did so, Kerry voted against the "$87 billion" that Bush requested for supplies. Over the past 18 months that we've been engaged in Iraq, Kerry has gone from one extreme to the other and every point in between. Finally yesterday, he completed his trek, stating that he would prefer that Saddam were still in control of Iraq. In the midst of World War 4, this is hardly the leadership needed by the United States and by the world in our struggle between good and evil.