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8000 US Soldiers wounded in Middle East

Why? Because we are not willing to dessimate key areas known as operational centers of Iraqi "insurgents" or islamo-fanatics. We have 2 options as I see it. We can either pull out of Iraq and allow the work already done and sacrifices already made to be in vain. Or, we can unleash the full capacity of the US Military and systematically crush the enemies. One thing is for sure, there are too many enemies of America that need to be dealt with to continue doing what we have been doing for another 4 years. Whoever wins this election on Tuesday needs to understand one simple point. The islamo-fascists that we are fighting will continue to fight until they are dead. We have to kill them, and so far our strategy is too weak and "sensitive". Just as people had to be sacrificed in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, I fear that the same scenario may have already come upon us in regards to Fallujah and Najaf. Will we emerge from this election with a leader resolute enough to win the war the way Truman and Patton did?