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King Frog slams UK, US

The Times Online from England reports:
  • Jacques Chriac dealt a blow to Tony Blair’s attempt to heal the wounds between the US and Europe last night by saying that the Prime Minister had won nothing for supporting the war against Iraq.
  • “Well, Britain gave its support but I did not see anything in return. I’m not sure it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favours systematically.”
In other words, the US didn't give money to the British government the way Saddam was giving money to the French government.
  • M Chirac said that there would be no division between Britain and France.
And apparently the chief Frog thinks the way to build unity in Europe is to alienate the United States.
  • The Prime Minister [Blair], aware that Mr Powell’s departure would be received with apprehension by European governments, bluntly told the US Administration to reach out to Europe and enlist its support in the war against terrorism.
You can lead a horse to water,... What are we supposed to do when the Europen countries can't or won't admit what is going on around the world, including many of there own countries, in terms of muslim violence and invasion? Are we supposed to wait for them to jump on board to help us overthrow dictators who are lining their pockets?

Besides the oil-for-food scam that the UN and Chirac were involved up to their eyeballs in, these "old" European countries are attempting to position themselves as the leaders of the EU, and they believe that the way to do so it to set themselves up as legitimate opposition to the United States. I find it very sad that the western Europeans don't have more respect for the country which twice saved their continent from takeover by Germans. Fortunately, the eastern European countries who we liberated from the Soviet communists understand America's world standing and our import to global security.