Reading List 29 November 2004
Sweden: high taxes = best welfare system?
Political correctness run amok at universities and colleges across America.
A new take on the Saddam - al Qaeda connection, based on evidence in a book written byMichael Scheuer, former CIA head of the 'bin Laden' team.
I thought President Bush said his plan for reforming the health care crisis revolved around putting decisions back in the hands of doctors and patients. Why, then, is Justice taking a case to the Supremes, asserting federal anti-drug laws trump state laws permitting the use of medicinal marijuana? In all my readings of the US Constitution, I have not yet stumbled across the relevant section which empowers the federal government the authority to determine which substances I may and may not consume.
The "Educational Bill of Rights", do we need one for all public universities?
What about the "poor" people in Romania, won't they be "hurt" by the flat tax being proposed there?
Smoking bans: freedom for whom?
Sharia law says a person guilty of homosexuality shall be stoned to death. And the left still doesn't understand why it's important to force immigrants to assimilate into our culture? It's arrogant for me to suggest that American culture is more advanced than Sharia?
Buchanan weighs in on muslim tolerance for dissenting views as seen recently in Holland.
US Congressmen raising a bill to cut funding to the UN if it doesn't come clean about the oil-for-food scam.
Bill O'Reilly has lost it: The Swift Vets for Truth were liars, but Dan Rather made an honest mistake. Are those grapes a little sour, Bill?
Swift Boat Veteran Steve Gardner pays the price for telling the truth about John Kerry. Why isn't the good Senator reaching out to help one of his 'brothers in arms'?
Walter Williams discusses the pride of America's public schools.
The Quest for Cosmic Justice: by Thomas Sowell
More ideas about "equality".
Applied Economics by Thomas Sowell
8 more reasons why we need to cease immigration IMMEDIATELY. Why is this not being labeled a 'hate crime'?
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