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When and why did World War 4 begin?

Since my internet was down last night, I started to read a loooong article/short novel discussing American history, world history, islamic terror history, and the shifting sands of the American political landscape. I think it's fairly written, and provides at least some relevant information that I think everyone should have.

Here are the most relevant points I found:

When the American public turned against our involvement in the Vietnam war and people like John Kerry pressured our government to quit fighting there, America found itself in what is called the "Vietnam syndrome", meaning that America's leaders were unwilling to use our own military for fighting enemies in the world. During the mid and late 70's, the Soviet Union began to sense that the American left would prevent the US gov't from directly confronting the USSR so it invaded Afghanistan. Since the USSR judged correctly, our only choice was to arm bin Laden and the tribal warlords in Afghanistan. (Of course, now the left blames us for "creating" bin Laden, when in fact it was THEIR reluctance to exert the US military which left us no other choice.)

more later...

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