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What's gotten into Tom Brokaw?

Does he know it's over for Kerry, and he doesn't want to be remembered for selling out his entire career at the end for a loser? In this interview with Senator Kerry, he asks the following questions:
  • Brokaw: A number of people even in your own party, however, say, "look, it's anybody but Bush." They're still not warming to John Kerry.
  • Brokaw: This week you've been very critical of the president because of the missing explosives in Iraq.The fact is, senator, we still don't know what happened to those explosives. How many for sure that were there. Who might have gotten away with them? Is it unfair to the president, just as you believe he's been unfair to you, to blame him for that?
  • Brokaw: The flip side of that is that if you had been president, Saddam Hussein would still be in power. Because you...

    Kerry: Not necessarily at all.

    Brokaw: But you have said you wouldn't go to war against him...

    Kerry: That's not true. Because under the inspection process, Saddam Hussein was required to destroy those kinds of materials and weapons.

    Brokaw: But he wasn't destroying them...

  • Brokaw: Let me ask you about social and domestic issues. Your colleague from Massachusetts, Senator Ted Kennedy, says that he's proud to be a liberal. Are you proud to be a liberal?
  • Brokaw: But you don't deny your liberal credentials.
  • Brokaw: You're very protective of your family, and very proud of them, I know. Do you regret invoking Mary Cheney in your debate with President Bush?

    Kerry: No. I…

    Brokaw: You don't regret it at all?
Ever notice how the marxists/communists are the ones who don't like labels? I love labels. You can call me any of the following, and I'll beam with pride: Christian, American, Constitutional fundamentalist, or paleo-conservative.
  • Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President's military aptitude tests and yours, and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do.

    Kerry: That's great. More power. I don't know how they've done it, because my record is not public. So I don't know where you're getting that from.

Not to mention, I thought Kerry had released all of his military records. Here is the page on his site listing all of the records he wants us to look at. On 20 April 2004, a Kerry spokesman said on "Meet the Press" that Kerry would release all of his records. Within days, Kerry did an about-face and decided he would not release everything. Does he have something to hide? Why would he not release all of his records if they would in fact definitively refute the charges being made by the Swift Vets for Truth and Vietnam Vets for Truth?