I am tired about hearing how the "War on Terror" is a battle against an ideology. I'm not saying that a war requires armies opposite one another on a battlefield firing point blank musket shots at one another, but I do believe that a clear enemy must be defined and there must be some way to know whether or not we are "winning" as well as determining when the war is "over".
To that end, extending the theory that the War on Terror is a battle between ideologies, I am left with no conclusion other than the supposition that the American Civil War never ended. After all, the ideology of racism and bigotry has not yet been exterminated, which most people mistakenly believe to be the goals of the Civil War, therefore it must not yet have concluded.
Unlike those who are categorically unwilling to speak the naked truth for fear of being flagged by the political correctness police, I will do so.
Christianity is at war against islam, or more precisely the reverse, and sadly the muslims have won many battles because the Europeans and many Americans are reluctant to accept that we are actually at war, let alone the enemy we oppose.
Islam is the religion of death, and until I see the mass demonstrations to the contrary that we have been promised for 4 years by our government, I can only conclude as such.
Now, for those who point to Christianity as equally culpable, citing Timothy McVeigh as evidence, please inform me as to when and where there were mobs of Christians in the streets following the Oklahoma City bombing celebrating the death and destruction.