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USAF Col. (Ret) John Boyd's "OODA Loop"

Reading List 30 December 2004

War for Oil: George Bush isn't going to tell you about any of this...

Are there forces within the US government leading the United States into a second cold war with Russia? Pat Buchanan seems to think so. Perhaps President Bush is aware of this too, and that's why "A Pentagon official who publicly disclosed information showing Russian involvement in moving Iraqi weapons out of that country has been dismissed." It seems as though President Bush may actually understand this dilemma and decided that good relations with Moscow were more important than exposing the truth about its criminal ties to Saddam Hussein.

A few weeks ago, Buchanan also opined that our interference in the Ukranian elections was a terrible idea because our support for Yushchenko could lead to an armed conflict with Russia because of Moscow's support for Yanukovich.

No ex post facto law shall be passed.

Unless you're Chuck Grassley and you chair the Senate Finance committee. Apparently he wants to pass legislation early next year closing various tax loopholes relating to vehicle donation and building restoration, and he wants them to be retroactively applied.
  • Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Committee on Finance, and Sen.
    Max Baucus, ranking member, today said they plan to put forth legislation early next year that would increase and create additional fines and penalties on promoters, taxpayers and appraisers who participate, aid or assist in the donation of facade easements found to be significantly overvalued. The senators plan to make the additional fines and penalties effective today.


Communist Goals 1963

As entered in the Congressional Record by Albert Herlong Jr.

1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war
2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war
3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a demonstration of "moral strength"
4) Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5) Extension of long term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites
6) Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination
7) Grant recognition of Red China, and admission of Red China to the UN.
8) Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the UN
9) Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the US has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress
10) Allow all Soviet Satellites individual representation in the UN
11) Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the UN as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo)
12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party
13) Do away with loyalty oaths
14) Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office
15) Capture one or both of the political parties in the US
16) Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.
18) Gain control of all student newspapers
19) Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20) Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21) Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
22) Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings", substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms.
23) Control art critics and directors of art museums. " Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".
24) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25) Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy".
27) Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch"
28) Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
31) Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture:" Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32) Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture - - education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33) Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34) Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35) Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI
36) Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37) Infiltrate and gain control of big business
38) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
39) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42) Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political, or social problems.
43) Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44) Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45) Repeal the Connally Reservation so the US can not prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

Charity of Americans

According to the American Association of Fundraising Counsel:
  • American individuals, estates, foundations, and corporations gave an estimated $240.72 billion to charitable causes in 2003, according to Giving USA 2004, a study released by Giving USA Foundation. This is an increase of 2.8 percent over a revised estimate of $234.09 billion for 2002. This is the highest rate of growth seen since 2000. Adjusted for inflation, 2003 giving rose 0.5 percent from 2002, slightly below the inflation-adjusted growth rate of 0.6 percent from 2001 to 2002. Giving USA, the annual report on philanthropy, is published by Giving USA Foundation, a public service initiative of the Trust for Philanthropy of the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (AAFRC). The study is researched and written by the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

    Since 1998, charitable giving has been 2 percent or more of gross domestic product (GDP) following more than two decades below that mark. For 2003, total contributions are estimated to be 2.2 percent of GDP. The all-time high was 2.3 percent of GDP in 2000.

Keep in mind that in 2004, many Americans gave money to political campaigns and therefore it makes sense to me that Americans had less to give to charities. Of course, UN marxists maintain that charity only happens via government taxation.

Reading List 29 December 2004

The quagmire that nobody talks about (in Bosnia)

Did Clinton and/or Albright know about the problems with the UN's "Oil for Food" program as early as 1996?

An new Iraqi army is not our ticket out of Iraq. How can we expect it to perform a function that our own armed forces are struggling to achieve?

China and Ukraine

Back in 1996, many on the American right were angry that President Clinton was receiving large sums of money from Chinese sources. Apparently, Clinton's opponents were worried that outside influences might impair our national electoral process.

Why aren't those same people outraged when we conduct similar policy in Ukraine with the recent election of Victor Yushchenko?

To each according to his need

In the wake of the recent earthquake and subsuquent tsunami, many people have been scrambling to organize relief efforts and to help the clean up effort. One individual named Jan Egeland of the United Nations came out with the following analysis about the financial contributions of certain countries (read: US):
  • "We were more generous when we were less rich, many of the rich countries. It is beyond me why we are so stingy," Mr. Egeland says. "Actually foreign assistance for many countries now is 0.1 or 0.2 percent of gross national income, that is stingy."
This statement illustrates precisely the problem with Marxists who always have their hands out. No matter how much you give them, it's never enough. There is always somebody else who needs more, some other project to undertake, some other initiative to implement.

In related stories:
Sri Lanka accepts Israeli supplies but denies Israeli workers

Reuters reports on who has pledged and contributed what so far to the relief effort.


Can a woman be President?

I must admit that I was skeptical about dismissing the possibility of a woman being allowed to be elected President of the United States. In order to follow the argument I'll make, one need only apply basic logic and accept the premise that the Founders of The United States of America who wrote the Constitution used spacing, capitalization, punctuation and word choice extremely carefully.

Throughout Article 2 of the Constitution, the word "he" or "his" is used at least 17 times. The word "she" or "her" is not used.

Federalist Papers #68, 69, 73, and 74 make repeated references to he, him, the man, etc...

POINT 1: The founders only used the masculine pronoun in their writings, both editorial and legally binding documents alike. I have a hard time believing that those men considered for one minute that a woman could or should be President. Recall, these were mostly Christian men who adhered to relatively fundamental Biblical practices, certainly the election of a woman to the highest office was not their intent.

Amendment XXV makes repeated reference to "he" and "his", but again no reference to "she" or "her".

POINT 2: Even as of the mid-sixties, the Constitution of the United States contained no references or language suggesting the ability or legality of any woman holding the office of the President. Now the modern "enlightened" American must be thinking that certainly the terms "he" and "him" refer to either gender, especially in the manner in which we currently "interpret" the Constitution.

Amendment XIX specifically says that gender may not be used against a person when determining voter eligibility.

POINT 3: If the word "he" actually referred to both genders, why would an amendment be necessary to end the practice of disqualifying women from voting? Surely a challenge of such laws to the Supreme Court would have been much easier to attain and achieve than the lofty requirements of amending the Constitution. This is the same argument as can be made for the 15th amendment and the use of race or prior servitude status to preclude voting priveleges. Why did newly freed slaves need an amendment to the Constitution to declare them equal to their white counterparts for voting purposes if the 13th and 14th amendments already said so?

POINT4: Ultimately, the movement by women around the turn of the 20th century resulted in dramatic changes in American culture. The original intent of the Constitution was to permit only eligible white males the privelege of voting. The 15th amendment extended the privelege to otherwise eligible black men, while the 19th amendment did the same for women. On the same lines, I think it's fair to assume that the original intent of the Constitution was for men to be President, implicitly white males. In the absence of any subsuquent and contrary language altering the original intent, I argue that as of today, only a white male may be elected to the office of the President of the United States according to our Constitution.


Boortz Wants Answers

(from Nealz Nooze - 22 December 2004)

Will the Imperial Federal Government of the United States ever actually cut spending or eliminate a spending program in our lives?

Will liberals ever admit that America is great because of the dynamic of people living under economic and social freedom, and not because of its government?

Will Royal ever settle down with some sweet young thing and have a few little Royals?

Will sellers of cheap cars ever stop screaming at us in their car commercials?

Why didn't that car dealer who was "Number two, gonna be number one" ever make it past number two?

Will liberals ever admit that freedom is worth fighting for, and even dying for?

Will Belinda ever get used to going to the bathroom indoors?

Will coach passengers on an American airline ever get served another hot meal?

Will Paris Hilton ever just go away and leave us alone?

Will Americans ever realize that tax and Social Security reform is far more important to their lives then who is doing what to whom with what in Hollywood?

Will we ever understand that Bill Clinton did a lot more than "lie about oral sex?"

Will flight attendants finally get tired of being completely ignored during those insipid safety announcements and just sit down?

Will Americans ever realize that public schools are government schools and are beyond salvaging?

Will Americans ever realize that there is something basically dangerous about the concept of democracy?

Will Americans ever understand the difference between racism and culturalism, and that some cultures, ours, for instance, are vastly superior to others?

Will the TSA ever stop groping 80 year-old women and start actually looking for terrorists?

Will the world ever realize that it is safer and better off without Saddam and will be even safer when freedom gains a real foothold in the Middle East?

Will Americans come to the realization that Saudi Arabia is not our friend?

Will the world ever realize that it is high time to start ignoring Jimmy Carter?

Will we ever realize that any tax system that punishes achievement and rewards laziness is destined to fail?

Will Clark Howard ever wear long pants to work?

Will people ever learn that cell phones can pick up the normal human voice, and that you don't have to scream to be heard?

Will we ever realize that for the most part speed limits are a revenue-raising measure and not a traffic safety measure?

Why do we celebrate Christmas?


[1] And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
[2] (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
[3] And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
[4] And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
[5] To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.
[6] And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
[7] And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
[8] And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
[9] And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
[10] And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
[11] For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
[12] And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
[13] And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
[14] Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
[15] And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.


Wealth of US Senators

Senate millionaires

John Kerry, D-Massachusetts: $163,626,399
Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin: $111,015,016
John Rockefeller, D -West Virginia: $81,648,018
Jon Corzine, D-New Jersey: $71,035,025
Dianne Feinstein, D-California: $26,377,109
Peter Fitzgerald, R-Illinois: $26,132,013
Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey $17,789,018
Bill Frist, R-Tennessee: $15,108,042
John Edwards, D-North Carolina: $12,844,029
Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts: $9,905,009
Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico: $7,981,015
Bob Graham, D-Florida: $7,691,052
Richard Shelby, R-Alabama: $7,085,012
Gordon Smith, R-Oregon: $6,429,011
Lincoln Chafee, R-Rhode Island: $6,296,010
Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska: $6,267,028
Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee: $4,823,018
Mike DeWine, R-Ohio: $4,308,093
Mark Dayton, D-Minnesota: $3,974,037
Ben Campbell, R-Colorado: $3,165,007
Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska: $2,963,013
Olympia Snowe, R-Maine: $2,955,037
James Talent, R-Missouri: $2,843,031
Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: $2,045,016
Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire: $1,916,026
John McCain, R-Arizona: $1,838,010
James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma: $1,570,043
John Warner, R-Virginia: $1,545,039
Kay Bailey Hutchison, R - Texas: $1,513,046
Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky: $1,511,017
Harry Reid, D-Nevada: $1,500,040
Sam Brownback, R-Kansas: $1,491,018
Thomas Carper, D-Delaware: $1,482,017
Ted Stevens, R-Alaska: $1,417,013
Maria Cantwell, D-Washington: $1,264,999
Barbara Boxer, D-California: $1,172,003
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah: $1,086,023
Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana: $1,080,014
Bill Nelson, D-Florida: $1,073,014
Charles Grassley, R-Iowa: $1,016,024

Total Wealth of Democrat millionaire Senators: $527,724,842
Total Wealth of Republican millionaire Senators: $99,055,562

*These figures are base estimates provided by senators on their financial disclosure forms.


Answer to Quick Quiz

Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath.

This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if someone has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, then good for you - you're normal.

Reading List 20 December 2004

Privatizing SS is not going to solve the problem. The whole income redistribution scam needs to be abolished.

Speech by Haim Harari on War on Terror


Democrat Economics

Nancy Pelosi recently sent this letter to President Bush, urging him to work with Democrats on determining various tax reform initiatives. 2 things struck me in reading the letter.
  • Tax reform must not result in tax increases on middle-income families, and we must uphold our commitment to progressive taxation.
No surprise here, as I've known for a long time that the Democrats are really socialists, committed to income redistribution schemes. I did find it interesting that Ms. Pelosi made such a weak attempt to hide it. Of course, most Democrat voters don't understand the term "progressive tax" anyhow.
  • This tax burden will only increase as more families are ensnared by the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). By 2010, the AMT is expected to hit 33 million taxpayers, up from just 1 million in 1999.
And which President was it that gave us the AMT?


Reading List 16 December 2004

Is the Antiwar right now aligning itself with the far left?

It sure seems that I'm a political outcast who associates with no party ideology top to bottom, but I sure do love freedom. If you're tired of the Microsoft/Windows monopoly, check out one of these Linux distributions. If you didn't know, there are good substitutes for Outlook, IE, Office, and many other common applications you have on your computer.
Xandros' Linux download
PC Linux OS
Debian's desktop Linux
Fedora Project by Red Hat

Senator Leahy says Congress shouldnt' be quick to cut off funding to the UN. Does he know about the suspected UN sexual abuse scandal in Congo?

Now that the Ohio recounts are in full force, does anybody really believe our elections are free or fair?

Government bureaucrats in the spotlight: Medicare overpays $20,000,000,000.

U.S. Sen. Zell Miller will be joining Fox News Channel as a contributor next month, Fox announced Tuesday.


Another socialist paradox

We simply must take steps to combat global warming because it may cause tremendous damage to Earth in 300 years based on flimsy science which is NOT commonly accepted by mainstream science.

On the other hand, social security is not to be touched even though legitimate non-partisan organizations all seem to agree that the program will be bankrupt within 50 years.

In other words, let's solve problems that may never occur and certainly won't affect anyone living today, while ignoring a problem guaranteed to occur during many of our lifetimes. Only a Democrat could come up with this...

Losers aren't really losers

"I think Antonin Scalia ought not to be on the Supreme Court, let alone chief justice, because I think he lacks judicial temperament. ...[T]he second thing after a work ethic that you look for when you're appointing a judge or a justice is judicial temperament. That means -- in our judicial system, it's very important for the loser and/or the winner in any case to be -- to feel like they've been treated fairly and respectfully by the court system. That's what is [sic] the glue that binds us together as a society. When you are sarcastic and mean-spirited, as [Justice Scalia] often is from the bench, it leaves the...loser in that case feeling as if they were not respected by the judicial system, and that's why you don't put people with bad temperament on the -- on any court, and I certainly don't think they should be on the Supreme Court of the United States." --Howard Dean

This illustrates why this guy is perfect to head the DNC, he thinks that even though his party loses elections, it still deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, and more importantly that its preferred policies deserve weight and consideration.

Heritage or hate?

Reading List 15 December 2004

Here's what we should be teaching our children this Christmas season.

Jerry Falwell shares some historical references which seem to contradict the ACLU's reading of the First Amendment.

Bill Kristol tells us what he really thinks about SECDEF Rumsfeld.


Reading List 14 December 2004

Barry Goldwater supported abortion and Roe v Wade in his final years?

Federal agents damage private property in a raid will face law suit. Great news for private property rights advocates!

Scott Peterson deserves the death penalty according to the jury which heard his case. Blah blah. Of course now the wall to wall coverage will be about his 37,921 appeals motions to be filed over the next 47 years, as well as the morality of the death penalty itself in our legal system. The more important issue for me is: why did this case become the spotlight of so many media outlets? I think it was a snowjob by some very high level people to distract the attention of the public from other important events, it was a smokescreen. Some things that haven't been given nearly their due credit:
  1. John Kerry's treasonous past
  2. UN oil-for-food scandal
  3. The explosion in the US national debt and reckless spending
  4. The situation in Iraq worsening without the progress being made quickly enough
  5. Bush's cabinet and top advisors being corrupt or unqualified, such as Condy Rice-the Soviet Communist scholar, Alberto Gonzales-the former affiliate to La Raza, Bernard Karick-DHS Secretary nominee who withdrew over questionable personal history.
Is America on the way to becoming a 3rd world economy?

The dirty little secret of military recruiters is that, regardless of the length of the initial active duty contract, everyone who joins the military incurs an eight-year obligation under Section 10145 of 10 USC. This article ponders whether this policy is fair. I wonder how long the US military can continue to overextend itself as the neocons running our federal government "spread freedom and liberty" around the world. Is there an end in sight?

Gustavo Coronel explains the Hugo Chavez propoganda machine, and exposes the San Francisco leftists profiting by promoting Venezuelan tourism to gullible American tourists. The San Francisco based company is called Global Exchange, and you can read about them here also.

Not that the two major political parties in America are any different, but check here to see which party benefited from various retail corporate sponsors.

First Bush gives us mandatory psychiatric screening for all children, now the DOJ is holding an American in prison for medicaid fraud, and has done so for 8 years? Our founders would be so proud.


Why income redistribution fails everytime

"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."

-- William Boetcker

Quick quiz

This is not a trick.
All the information you need is provided in the four sentences below.
No one I know has gotten it right, including me.

A woman, while at the funeral of her mother, met this guy whom she did not know.
She thought the guy was amazing, her dream man!
She fell in love with him instantly, but never asked for his phone number and could not find him after the funeral.
A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive in killing her sister?

Reading List 13 December 2004

Sgt. Hook calls out Michael Moore: will the fat slob put his money where his twinkies usually are?

I hope the elections in Iraq go forward as scheduled so the US military can begin to withdraw from the disaster which has ensued since we captured Saddam one year ago today. Unfortunately, it looks like as few as 1% of Iraqis are registered to vote, a mere 6 weeks before the election takes place.

"Red" State families are having more children than "blue" State families, acording to David Brooks. Are "blue" parents allowing their careers and materialism to replace child rearing, or is the cause simply higher infanticide rates in the "blue" states?

Think the Canadian health care system is better than ours in America? Read this.

8 more US Marines have lost their lives in Iraq, while 28 casualties were taken in a suicide attack near the 'green zone' in Baghdad.

Are those who choose a career of teaching morally superior to those who choose other career paths?

Social Security privatization: who really should oppose it?

Christianophobia by Pat Buchanan.

Lies being told by the IRS.

No Jesus in Christmas

I'm fed up with the commercialization of Christmas. Once upon a time, the 25th of December was a day on which Americans celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. Somewhere along the way, it became a day where we also decided to buy lots of things for our family and friends, but we still celebrated the root meaning of the day. Now, we have nearly come full circle, in that Jesus' name is being taken out of "holiday parades" and "seasonal activities" in the name of diversity and tolerance. I've had enough. My family and friends are getting yellow ribbons for their cars, Bibles, and I'll make a donation to this cause on their behalf.

13 December 2004
A South Jersey elementary school wants to ban "Silent Night" from its holiday concert.

John Leo says Christians must push back or the secular march will continue.

Pat Buchanan's take on Christianophobia.

A December parade in Denver will feature everyone from Chinese lion dancers to gay and lesbian shamans, according to the Rocky Mountain News, but not Christians who want to sing yuletide hymns or carry a Merry Christmas message.

Immortalized in a 1947 Christmas movie classic, Macy's is now the focus of a boycott campaign protesting the department-store chain's replacement of "Merry Christmas" with politically correct greetings.

A California teacher has been barred by his school from giving students documents from American history that refer to God — including the Declaration of Independence.

Pell grants have been denied to students seeking to become ministers

The ACLU has recently forced the Pentagon to cease direct funding of the Boy Scouts, and Florida school vouchers have been declared illegal because some parents may use them to send kids to religous schools. Taken from the first article above about the Denver parade:
  • Isn't it deliciously ironic that the ACLU, which is supposedly the foremost champion of our inalienable rights, is in fact leading the secular progressives' campaign to diminish them?
The Americans United for Separation of Church and State opposes a bill which would protect the religous freedoms of individuals while at work, including those in the private sector.

The Salvation Army bell ringers are no longer welcome in front of Target stores.

Civil disobedience and the national ID

Here are two articles I enjoyed, one about national ID cards and the other about social security numbers being optional, and a wrap up of my recent encounter with the TSA.

I believe that there is a sort of "one world government" force at work in the US government. No matter whether George Bush is a willing participant, a reluctant pawn, or a fierce opponent of such global socialist policies, they are moving forward with or without him. The Constitution of the United States is being dismantled more and more each day, one step at a time, while useful idiots in both parties continue to believe the same old rhetoric.

The truth of the matter is that the leadership of both major political parties believe in a larger centralized government, more social engineering, more income redistribution, and a gradual erosion of individual liberty and personal autonomy.

There comes a time when we must have the courage to step back for a minute, and to reevaluate what we think we know and believe. This step back may be the most difficult and frightening one you'll ever make, but it is necessary and it must be done now.

America will not continue to survive as a global superpower, a land of opportunity, or a model of God-given individual rights if we keep electing people who are simply less harmful than the opposing candidate, but not ardent defenders of our Constitution.

States' rights are at an all time low, social welfare is at an all time high, government education teaches kids how to depend on the State, infanticide continues virtually unabated, Christianity has been replaced by pornography as our national faith, treason is being committed nearly every day by the major media and political action groups around the country, illegal immigrants enjoy more rights and priveleges than native born people, and our children are being saddled with the burden of paying for all of our follies.

All the feds have to say is "we need such and such policy implemented to combat terrorism". It could be national ID cards, "sneak and peek" search warrants, lower standards for phone taps, ID chips inside our Passports, or guest worker programs which reward illegal entry into the country. It all adds up to the same conclusion in my mind. The US government is using the "terror threat" as a vehicle to take away individual liberties and to advance their globalist agenda.

Now, you can continue to sell yourself on the same old ideas, and you can continue to wonder why the noose around Lady Liberty's neck seems to tighten a bit more all the time. We NEED homeland security because the "terrorists" are out to get us. States' rights are important, unless the issue is medical marijuana or gay "marriage". Illegal searches and seizures at the airport are okay, after all "if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about". It's wrong to racially profile because "we're a nation of immigrants"...

I recently went through TSA at a fairly small airport on my way back home after a week of work in another city. The TSA bureaucrat informed me that I was required to remove my sneakers, at which time, I informed him that I would not comply unless he told me why. Since other airports allowed sneakers to be worn through the metal detectors, I was curious why this particular one was different.

Immediately upon passing throught the detector, EVEN THOUGH IT DIDN'T ALARM, I was directed to the "secondary" screening area. At this point, I was informed that my shoes "met the criteria" for those which had to be removed. I said "okay, may I see the criteria?" Of course, I was then given the bureaucratic run around about the need for such important security procedures to be kept under the utmost secrecy. In other words, I am expected to obey and comply with laws of which I am not privy to being made aware, nor may I request and receive full disclosure of said laws. This is known otherwise as "secret law" (google: Helen Chenowith-Hage for more on this).

After a few minutes of haggling with the supervisor about the Gestapo nature of this illegal activity on the part of the government, I told him that I would indeed submit to his illegal search and seizure. When I was instructed as to the methods used to conduct the pat-down, I informed the TSA agent that I was very familiar with the techniques used by his cohorts each day as they sexually abuse law abiding Americans.

A few minutes later I got through the screening and was sent on my way, having been told that my notion of implementing racial/ethnic profiling criteria was illegal, unAmerican, and simply not possible. (Funny, I was thinking the same about what was just done to me!)

The next stage of my adventure involved standing as close as possible to the security screening area from the secure side while observing the TSA scrutinize one apparently innocent person after another. After all, I didn't see a single individual get refused access. Over the course of the next half hour or hour, I was approached by various TSA agents, including the supervisor asking "is everything ok", "can I help you", or something similar. Unfortunately, I made some uncalled for comments about the illegality of what I was seeing and the criminal nature of the government agents carrying it out which probably cut my observation time shorter than it otherwise would have been.

Out of nowhere, a man in a suit flashing some badge came over and asked me for my ID. I refused to provide it. He next asked why I said "I was watching the criminals" to one of his TSA agents, at which point I apologized for the nature of my comments and asked if I was doing something wrong or illegal. After being asked again for my ID, and being told that failure to cooperate with him would result in a chance meeting with the local police department, and again being denied, the suit-wearing Gestapo began using his cell phone to call somebody.

At this point, I walked down the terminal to my gate and sat down, wondering what would happen next. Within about 15 minutes, 2 uniformed police officers and another suit wearing government official approached me. They asked to see my ID, which I again refused. He asked me where I was from, I answered "not here". He asked for my ticket, and I complied with that request. The government agent went on to ask why I had done what I did and why I had said the things I had said. I again apologized for the comments, as they were out of line. Our conversation consisted of several intersting topics.

Do I have a "right" to fly?

Does the 4th amendment protect me at airport screening areas?

During the process of buying a ticket from the airline, when exactly did I waive my right to be free from unwarranted searches? Why didn't I receive some sort of warning similar to Miranda?

Is merely being an airline passenger suddenly "probable cause" for search and seizure?

Are airlines such as Delta, United, and American private or public corporations?

Is racial profiling unconstitutional? According to which clause or section?

Are secret laws and courts the best way to combat the threat from islamic jihadis like those who perpetrated 911?

Will we ever see an end to these heightened security measures?

Why is airport security being treated differently than subway/bus/marine security?

The bottom line is simple: intrusive security measures are here to stay, and they are only going to get more invasive and less Constitutional as time goes by. They will be sold as "necessary to combat terrorism" and they will be bought as "Republicans are the true champions of individual liberty and States rights". None of which being true, of course.


Reading List 11 December 2004

Illegal immigration: The Balkanization of America by Frosty Wooldridge

In West Bridgewater, CT, a property owner can no longer tear down the building without government approval.


Reading List 10 December 2004

We already know about "Secret laws", now the US government can go into secret courts to obtain permission to surveil "lone wolf" terrorists. This new provision comes to us via the Intelligence Reform bill that we were told was so critical it needed to be passed this week. Most likely, it would have been given much more scrutiny had the vote been held until the new Congress comes in next month. In addition to lowering 4th amendment protections more than ever before, the bill also makes it easier for the government to deny bail in terrorism investigations.

On the other hand, it looks like a new 9-member board will now be in position to determine whether or not too much information is being kept confidential in the name of national security.

As the leftward march of the Canadian secularist left continues, the Canadian supreme court has now determined that gay marriage is "consistent" with their Constitution.

Nation of Immigrants

Once upon a time, this country believed in slavery. And wide spread immigration. And English only in the public arena. And strong homeland security. And traditional values such as traditional heterosexual marriage.

Why is it that the modern American left is willing to make "progress" in all of these areas yet they stubbornly cling to their notion that America "is a nation of immigrants"? In their usual hypocritical ways, they contend that antiquated American values and traditions should be altered while others should remain as they always are. How do they decide which are which?

It seems to me that the average Democrat voter is what's known as a "useful idiot", and is being conned into dismantling America one step at a time as the international socialists silently destroy America. The breakdown of families leads to State solutions for low-income or single parent homes. Gay "marriage" and legal battles fought by the ACLU chip away at religous principles and could eventually lead us to a point where practicing religion outside the church or home is illegal (after all, don't the roads and sidewalks belong to the State?).

However, if the flow of immigrants ever stopped, the globalist movement would suffer tremendously. 1/3 of our federal prisoners are illegally here, similarly immigrants are more likely to be on welfare. Instead of the wealth of America being squandered via socialist programs, it could once again be spent on reinventing our manufacturing industries, modernizing our nation's infrastructure, or working to reduce our federal debt.

Not only that, but I have been hearing more "mainstream" people appearing on television, radio and major print media raising the same issue I've had for 2 years. How can we deploy the US military to the middle east and elsewhere to wage a "War on Terrorism" while leaving our homeland so vulnerable via weak border security and politically correct deportation procedures. Law enforcement agents all over the country have given up even trying to detain illegals because they inevitably disappear after being released by a judge who trusts the promise from a criminal to appear at a future hearing.

It is absolutely mind boggling to me how inept and ineffective our officials are at defending the country and the American people who have come here legally and who make the country what it is. So mind boggling is it that I just can't believe these problems are accidental. Unfortunately, I think the generation that came of age in the 60's and 70's has such a stranglehold on our colleges, media, legal system, and political scene that their agenda of international socialism is actively being advanced daily. Hopefully enough independent thinkers will realize it soon enough before the Republicrats cause such a decline that we cannot recover.


Reading List 9 December 2004

Is the AIDS crisis really as bad as we are told, or is it another avenue for the global socialists to advance their agenda, namely by using American tax dollars to subsidize irresponsibile behavior in other countries?


Reading List 8 December 2004

HR 5254 of the 108th Congress is a bill which provides a tax incentive for businesses which pay for employee training. HR 5384 of the 108th Congress is a bill which provides for a federal tax credit for State income taxes and local sales taxes. Are these also "tax cuts for the rich"?

The latest example of an incident which fits the only criteria which will ever be called a "hate crime" by the MSM, i.e. when the alleged perpetrator is a white male.

Hammer. Nail. Head.

How far left has the 'Christian right' gone? Another column by the same author states that our 2-party system is a hoax.

The Bush Betrayal by Chuck Baldwin, VP Candidate Constitution Party 2004.

What's happening to the 4th amendment? Former Idaho Congresswoman, Helen Chenowith-Hage, was prevented from boarding a United airlines aircraft because she would not submit to a "pat-down" search by TSA officials until they showed her the regulation authorizing TSA screeners to conduct the search. They would not, and she refused to capitulate. So now, in the words of Craig Roberts, "This is known as Secret Law. They can pass it, but they don't have to show it to you. At the same time, "ignorance of the law is no excuse." You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't."
here, here, here, here and here (original article).
  • "She said she wanted to see the regulation that required the additional procedure for secondary screening and she was told that she couldn't see it," said Julian Gonzales, the TSA's security director for the Boise, Twin Falls and Sun Valley airports. "She refused to go through additional screening, and she was not allowed to fly. It's pretty simple."


Reading List 6 December 2004

NAACP President didn't quit, he was booted out for supporting Republicans.


Reading List 3 December 2004

Kojo Annan is looking more and more guilty in the oil for food scandal all the time.

Radical muslims use freedom of speech laws to preach hatred against liberal western countries, specifically Europe.

Michael Reagan tells us why the NAACP should draft Bill Cosby to replace recently retired Kweisi Mfume.

Switzerland demonstrates how the federal government need not solve problems and make policy for every area of life. Here's an article about the Swiss nationalism and neutrality, I think it's a great model for the US.

Mark Rich, the criminal who was pardoned by Bill Clinton, has recently come under scrutiny for his suspected involvement with the UN oil-for-food scandal which began the month after his pardon.

Now that the United States is finally pulling our troops from Kosovo, what's next? This left-winger actually criticizes the UN for its 'illegal war' in Bosnia. The New York post opines today that the Kosovo war was illegal since it lacked UNSC approval (the same criticism we hear about the resumption of the Gulf War which was suspended in 1991). The New York Sun slams Europe for its repeated willingness to ignore humanitarian crises, such as those in Kosovo and Iraq. Has Ted Kennedy ever called the War in Bosnia illegal or a quagmire?

George Tenet is calling attention to potential security threats from an unregulated internet, claiming cyber-terrorists could attack the United States via unsecure portions of our internet infrastructure. Is that also a 'slam dunk', George?

While the US government is busy writing IOUs to the Chinese government as we run up our deficits in the growing Iraq quagmire, the Chinese are unleashing their new nuclear submarines.

A great column by Maggie Gallagher expaining the Constitutional argument for States legislating the legitimacy of medical marijuana.

John Kasich opines that our Social Security system is broken. However, unlike the Democrats, he actually offers a solution.

Is CO Representative Tom Tancredo already campaigning for the 2008 GOP primary? GOP split on immigration/9-11 intelligence reform bill.

If you don't know what the 'Blame America first' crowd is, read this. If you agree with the author, you're part of it. Here are my 2 favorite statements.
  • During the Revolutionary War, militiamen shot at British soldiers from behind rocks and trees, breaking the conventions of war. [thereby making us terrorists according to the prior sentence]
  • It was not our military might that brought down the Soviet Union. [It wasn't?]


Reading List 2 December 2004

Walter Williams explains why laws cannot, should not, and will not be the solution to the problems in American society today.

Christmas caroling is now too divisive for the city parade in Denver, CO. When the muslims takeover America, will they worry about the divisiveness of their 'convert-to-islam or die' philosophy?

Baby Boomers versus Generation X, children of the 60's are living in a different world than their children, often while holding the same values.

USA Today opines that the lack of black coaches in college football is the embodiment of institutional racism. They must assume that boosters at major schools would rather have a losing team led by a white man than a winning team lead by a black man. Isn't if more likely that there simply aren't that many black men who have demonstrated the ability to win? Speaking for myself alone, I don't care who coaches my school, so long as the team wins games.

Ted Rall wonders if Americans are really dying for America in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why doesn't his list of illegitimate wars include Kosovo?

Are the Iraqi people already engaged in a civil war? Can the US ever impose national unity upon the 3 distinct factions of Iraqi people?

What would Darwin say about AIDS?

It looks like the EU is taking over for NATO in Bosnia, meaning the US is getting out. It looks like Bill Clinton's "one year war" is finally over, nearly a decade later. Here's an excerpt from Clinton's speech from 27 November 1995. Did I miss the NewYork Times criticism of this policy? When did Ted Rall write his column documenting the failure of our efforts in Bosnia? Has Madeline Albright been asked what went wrong in Bosnia? Did our leaders fail to plan ahead of time? Did Clinton "lie" when he gave this speech?
  • Let me make clear what I expected to include and what it must include for me to give final approval to the participation of our armed forces: First, the mission will be precisely defined with clear realistic goals that can be achieved in a definite period of time. Our troops will make sure that each side withdraws its forces behind the front lines and keeps them there. They will maintain the cease-fire to prevent the war from accidentally starting again. These efforts, in turn, will help to create a secure environment so that the people of Bosnia can return to their homes, vote in free elections and begin to rebuild their lives. Our joint chiefs of staff have concluded that this mission should and will take about one year.
Another opinion why Alberto Gonzalez should not be confirmed as our next Attorney General.