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Dick Morris misses the mark...

In The Hill, Dick Morris wrote about CAFTA. He left out many points worth noting:
  • CAFTA is an attempt to bring to the poverty-stricken countries of Central America the benefits of free trade with the colossus of the north. These nations are among the world’s poorest, and free trade would be a tremendous boon to their economies.
Sure, their economies will boon while our manufacturing and farming industries will suffer.
  • Those who oppose illegal immigration cannot have it both ways. Either you alleviate poverty in Central America and encourage would-be immigrants to stay home and share in the increasing wealth or you keep them in poverty and watch as they flock over our borders.
This makes sense, although there is a third option. Secure our borders, kick out as many of the illegals already here that we can find, and watch domestic labor prices rise as we apply tariffs to China's goods.
  • With 2 million people who were born in Central America now living in the United States, the Democrats oppose CAFTA at their peril. These voters will not take kindly to nativist sentiment in the party that says it offers them opportunity and compassion.
The same way the blacks faithfully support the same Democrat party which pretends the public school systems in urban areas are successful? The truth is that Democrat voters just aren't smart enough to realize who or what they are voting for.
  • On the merits, CAFTA is a no-brainer. With an unemployment rate in the United States of 5 percent, there is no case against free trade, particularly not with a poor and small area like Central America.
Sounds like incremenatlism, especially with the FTAA on the horizon. Passing CAFTA would be a giant leap forward towards declaring the entire western hemisphere a free-trade zone.
  • The more than $10 billion sent home by Mexicans and Central Americans living here attests to their concern for the folks back home.
  • So why won’t the Democrats do for Central America what they did for Africa? Or, put another way, why won’t they do for their Hispanic constituents what they did for their African-American voters?
Americans whose roots trace back to Africa still send back billions of dollars to their families in Africa? Not hardly.