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Senator Turbin, contd...

A blog called 'One Hand Clapping' has posted some photos of the murder camps run under the Nazis, Soviets, and Cambodian regimes during recent decades. One member of the "tolerant" left had this comment:
  • It is sick how you neocon fascists try to dodge the responsibility of Abu Ghraib and the US neoimperialistic and corporate abuse of democracy and social justice. how much does this blogger get paid by PNAC and the GOP to post this? where does his money come from? You just a front for a crypto-fascist neoconservative cabal and an an oil war masquerading as an endless crusade against “terrorism.”

    We need to stop the hate and regulate these “warbloggers” now. Write to your congressperson or senator today.

While I happen to agree with much of what this person had to say, the comment is very illustrative of the hatred and anger that froths forth from the far-left. So great is their hatred for this country that they don't even stop to understand that Mr. Bush and his cronies are just the current in a long line of Presidents who have overstepped their Constitutional boundaries while enacting their personal agendas from the White House.

Yes, our Republic is broken. We are being led by some of the most corrupt people known to American history. But let's not pretend that everything was running smoothly right up until the election of 2000.