Truth Above All
The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.
Tancredo refuses to cave to PC police...
Tom Tancredo, one of the very few bright spots in the Republican Party has defended his comments that total destruction of Mecca and/or Medina COULD be a potential response were the United States to suffer another catastrophic attack at the hands of muslim murderers.
Here is the opinion article that appeared in the Denver Post recently.
SCOTUS nomination...
If Justice O'connor is supposed to be replaced with a like minded jurist, as say Schumer et al, why was Ginsburg a suitable replacement for Byron White (a dissenter on Roe v Wade)?
Rep Salazar (D-CO) gets it...
Deep in the hearts of most clear thinking Democrats can be found realists who understand that capitalism is the only model which actually works to strengthen American and her People.
- "I am totally against the Chinese government running the jobs in our country," said Rep. John Salazar, Colorado Democrat, whose district is most affected by drilling. "With the Chinese government getting involved, it's not even a competitive business model."
Unfortunately, we the People are not wealthy enough to have our voices heard, as we now know that the Chinese "company" looking to takeover Unocal has hired a lobbying firm which previously worked for George Bush.
Not only that, but Newsmax reports that:
- President Bush's top independent intelligence adviser, James C. Langdon Jr., met last winter with investment bankers in China to help secure his law firm's role in lobbying for a state-run Chinese energy firm and its bid for the U.S. oil company Unocal Corp., according to a report in the Washington Post.
Buchanan wrong...
In yesterday's column, he claims the islamofascists will quit attacking us when we leave the middle east. he supports this by citing an example from lebanon.
2 problems:
Lebanon isn't israel or America, the two main targets of radical islam. the radicals will never stop attacking jews or christians in israel or america, or anywhere else.
If the radicals believe the whole world is their "homeland", then his theory further goes out the window because every square inch of soil on Earth is a potential plot of land that they will defend via suicide bombings.
Brits and frogs...
Are the Brits really our strongest ally in the War on Terror?
Daniel Pipes makes the case that the French are actually engaging in much tougher domestic policies to crack down on the islamofascists while the British are still living in the multicultural fantasy land.
Living, breathing Constitution...
We're hearing from alot of RAT House members quoting some comments from daddy Bush about the leaking of undercover operatives being treason.
Yet, these are the same people who tell us about 'living, breathing' Constitutions.
Therefore, the definition of treason in 1990 isn't the same as it is defined now. Clearly the country has evolved since the 90's, and therefore the comments made by Bush 41 some 15 years ago have no meaning whatsoever.
We have "evolved" beyond his definition of treason.
Government health care...
How can the same Democrats who complain ad nauseam about the tremendous problems with the care given to military veterans through the VA system simultaneously campaign year after year for federally run health care for all Americans?
Surely it is logical to conclude that the same government which cannot manage care for the small subset of Americans who qualify for VA care cannot possibly handle care for every last person in America who may stumble into hospital, no?
Only the mentally disordered liberal mind could even entertain the notion that our federal bureaucrats could efficiently run a national health care system.
Recent thoughts...
I've had many thoughts over the past weeks, but as my wife and I prepare for our first child, I've been preoccupied making the final arrangements. Anyway, here goes...
I find it rather ironic that the American left which claims that the Constitution should apply to foreigners and those in America illegally, while simultaneously defending the notion that our federal courts should interpret and apply laws based on the opinions of foreign officials. If these foreign states were so advanced and civilized, why do most people in the world wish to come to America?
When I see US Senators like Voinovich and Durbin crying on the floor of the Senate, I can only imagine how the islamo fascists must be laughing at us. Such weak leadership, clearly unwilling and/or unable to muster the determination to do what may be necessary can only confirm the notion that we are a 'paper tiger' as bin Laden claimed after seeing us run from Beirut in 1983 and more recently in Mogadishu in 1993.
Quinn's first law states that liberalism always generates the opposite of its stated intent. In the Kelo v. New London case, the liberals on the Supreme Court have paved the way for rich developers to make obscene profits while the lower class property owners in struggling communities will be on the short end of the stick when they begin getting kicked out of the homes for far less compensation than their property is actually worth.
Of course, one ought remember how George Bush managed to get the new Texas Rangers' stadium built. (Hint: New London wasn't the first case of individuals making profits directly resulting from eminent domain)
As much as I despise the idea of burning the American flag, I think it should be allowed so that the people who have such hatred of the country can expose themselves for us all to see and know.
The 'Live 8' concerts were a setup to trap President Bush into throwing tax dollars down the African rathole. If Bush fails to meet the goals established by Bono, the left can cry on and on about how Republicans don't care about humanity and that evil conservatives can comfortably sit by and do nothing while people starve to death and get slaughtered.
Of course, on the other hand, those who scream the loudest about the genocide in Sudan are those who have no reservations about keeping abortion legal. At least the people in Sudan have a slim chance to protect their own lives, unlike the 40 million Americans who were never given the chance. (And, how much stronger would social security and medicare be if those 40 million tax payers were helping fill the government coffers?)
I've had many more ideas recently, some have been repeated ad nauseam elsewhere, some are still floating in my head never to be shared, and the rest will come over time. Keep reading...
muslims in British universities...
According to the Times Online from London:
- Al Qaeda is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out terrorist attacks in this country, leaked Whitehall documents reveal.
A network of “extremist recruiters” is circulating on campuses targeting people with “technical and professional qualifications”, particularly engineering and IT degrees.