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AIDS and Africa...

UN says encouraging abstinence heightens AIDS rates
  • The U.S. government's emphasis on abstinence-only programs to prevent AIDS is hobbling Africa's battle against the pandemic by downplaying the role of condoms, a senior U.N. official said on Monday.

    Stephen Lewis, the U.N. secretary general's special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, said fundamentalist Christian ideology was driving Washington's AIDS assistance program known as PEPFAR with disastrous results, including condom shortages in Uganda.

    The Bush administration favors prevention programs that focus on abstinence rather than condom use and has more than doubled funding for U.S. abstinence-only programmes over the past five years.

    As part of President George W. Bush's global AIDS plan, the U.S. government has already budgeted about $8 million this year for abstinence-only projects in Uganda, human rights groups say.

    Activists in both Uganda and the United States say the country is now in the grip of condom shortage so severe that men are using plastic garbage bags in an effort to protect themselves.
At least Reuters doesn't try to hide the anti-Christian bias of the UN and Stephen Lewis.

However, I thought we aren't supposed to go around the world forcing our culture on people. Isn't that what the left tells us is wrong with our Iraq policy? Isn't that why we aren't supposed to make immigrants learn English?

I guess the only option left is to allow the sex-addicted Africans to kill themselves and their societies by spreading HIV/AIDS through irresponsible sex.

After all, we wouldn't want to be accused of trying to force them to live according to our culture and customs, would we?


Hurricane Katrina

How is it that the same people who argue against the Biblical theory of human existence are also people who dismiss the notion that natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina are forms of natural selection?

I happen to believe very strongly in the principle of evolution, and the idea that the weak members of a species die off so that the overall ability of a species to survive are increased.

The irony here is quite rich. The same people who fight against allowing the Bible to be read and/or studied in public schools are the first to point out that Jesus taught us to look out for one another, and therefore, according to the religion of the left, socialism is Jesus' true message.

In cases of disasters like Hurricane Katrina, federal politicians are not only permitted to pick the pockets of Americans in order to "send aid" to those who "need" it, but in fact the politicians are expected to do so.

Of course, anyone like me who calls socialism the religion of the left, and subject to the same "separation of church and state" as the left demand for the pro-life, anti-gay crowds is called an extremist and totally ignored.

Unfortunately, we live in a country infected with the notion that the greatest testament to human advancement is how many poor people the rest of us manage to sustain by sacrificing our own well being. These "less fortunate" are people who contribute nothing to the advancement of the human race, or even the betterment of their own communities.

Instead, we now have a country made up of people who punish the inventors, the doctors, the businessmen, and the thinkers who drive our economy forward in favor of those who do none of the above.

This is a phenomenon seen every day in the words of our federal politicians, most recently by the 'Liberal Lion' himself, Ted Kennedy who delivered the Democrat radio address this past weekend.

In it, he claimed that federal education is a mission vital to national security because without the proper education of new generations of engineers, scientists, doctors, and other highly demanded professionals, our nation risks falling further behind other nations.

Of course, socialists like TK never stop to consider the possibility that there is an inverse relationship between federal involvement with education and the number of highly qualified graduates from our country's high schools and universities.

However, in following that up, TK also suggest that in order to increase the quality of education for our country, we must also continue to spend more money on affordable day care, citing such programs as instrumental to the "American dream".

There you have it. In the mind of a socialist, the American Dream is all about government provided day care, food, shelter, medical care, education, job security, and virtually everything else in between.

The American Dream has been reduced to a bunch of helpless people standing in line for their government distributed handouts, paid for by those rare few individuals who actually make something out of themselves by taking advantage of the opportunities that are out there for the taking.