A dose of realism...

Does this man look French? The media would have you believe that he is just a "disenfranchised" citizen of France fighting systematic oppression and inequity.
The reality that European and American intellectuals refuse to confront lies much closer to the notion that immigrants who once flocked to France for the generous welfare benefits now use violence to demand even more unearned rewards. Of course, the lives they have in French "ghettos" greatly exceed those achievable in their homelands.
I consider myself to be a realist, directly opposing the so-called intellectuals, who trump actual events with articulately formulated theory. Despite mountains of proof contradicting their ideas, they cling to their beliefs with iron fists. Unfortunately, I am often considered a pessimist because of my dire view about the coming collapse of western civilization.
As the rest of the western world opposes America because we have demonstrated the intellectual bankruptcy of socialism, we creep closer all the time toward that which we once defeated. Since the days of Joseph McCarthy and the fall of the Soviet Union, overt communists have repositioned themselves as "progressives", "liberals", Democrats, "environmentalists", "anti-war activists", and "feminists".
The results have been less than desirable. Our feminized military routinely punishes and imprisons soldiers for carrying out routine military operations. Government schools recently won court approval to dictate to parents when sexual education will commence, and declared parents' rights to control school curriculum virtually non-existent. Families in America are in dire straits as fathers have been replaced with state welfare. Affirmative action contributes to the advancement of unqualified individuals are the expense of those who ancestors built this Republic. Feminists at Harvard ignited mass outrage at the school President for merely suggesting that men and women may be chemically and biologically different. Homosexuals have invented a new classification known as "hate crimes" that are often used against those who favor the time-honored idea that heterosexual married couples are necessary to self-preservation, and optimal for balanced child-rearing. Illegal aliens in America enjoy greater liberties than those who supply the very social services they have come to demand and declare as their own property. Subversive behavior by college professors, media figures, and supposedly religous leaders receive protection from the ACLU who instead place Christians and American nationalists in their cross-hairs. Environmentalist insist our dependence on oil contributes to global climate change, and attempt to curtail our economic advancement by advocating government regulation of property. Supposed peace demonstrators have perverted Christianity into a philosophy of pacifism that does not permit self-defense or self-preservation of peaceful people whose lives are under direct threat.
All in all, I see a dark future for this country, as most Americans seem not to have yet awoken to the clear and present danger posed by radical muslims determined to regress the world into their dark fantasy of a global islamic state where only jihadis enjoy the full rights to punish or murder their women and children who don't act "properly" according to Sharia law.
Just in recent years, we've seen bombings and innocent deaths in England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Iraq, Israel, America, Kenya, Saudia Arabia, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia and many others. All at the hands of muslim radicals who believe their God commands the murder of innocence. Meanwhile, the leftists around Europe and North America continue to insist that blame lies with western culture or beligerent acts against otherwise peaceful people to whom enough social welfare has not yet been extended. Some on the morally bankrupt left even further the idea that today's global jihad is legitimate retalliation for the Crusades of 1000 years ago.
Optimism is a trait to be admired, but only in so far as some tangible evidence exists upon which to base it. At present, I see precious little that meets such criteria.
Here are several articles addressing the downfall of France that we are witnessing now.
Caroline Glick
Daniel Pipes
Pat Buchanan
Mark Steyn
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