

GOP smoke and mirrors...

From Fox News:

The bill, passed by a 52-47 vote, makes mild cuts to the health care programs for the elderly, poor and disabled, but leaves the food stamp program untouched.


The Senate bill is estimated to trim $36 billion, or 2 percent, from budget deficits forecast at $1.6 trillion over five years. The cuts total $6 billion for the plan's first year, with deficits predicted to exceed $300 billion.


Still, there is plenty of sugar to go along with the fiscal medicine. The bill contains about $35 billion in new spending to go along with the cuts


It passed after the Senate rejected, 68-31, a bid by conservatives to make much of the aid available through school vouchers.

The bill includes $3 billion to subsidize television converter boxes for an upcoming changeover to digital broadcasts.

How long can the GOP keep up the big lie that they support fiscal conservatism?