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The endless cycle...

We are told by our government that American military forces will remain in Iraq so long as the violence continues. When we leave, the Shia faction in the South will slaughter the Sunni minority in central “Iraq”. Thus, the Sunnis must delay our departure, and the only way they can accomplish that is to continue the cycles of violence against American forces and against Iraqi civilians or government officials.

If the Sunnis stop fighting, their American protectors leave, abandoning them to face the Shia of southern Iraq and the Shia state of Iran alone. They would be annihilated or be forced to give up their land.

In either case, the big winner in the Iraq war is Iran because soon after we leave the region, Iran gains control over the Iraqi oil resources. At that point, our leaders would undoubtedly tell us that war against Iran was necessary.

Sadly, the war against Iran wouldn't be necessary if the war against Iraq hadn't been 'necessary', however that war was only necessary because of some other prior disastrous foreign policy of the United States.

Will this cycle of global American militarism ever end under the current American government when the only alternative to Bush's Wilsonian agenda is a Democrat party whose opposition makes them look as though they support American defeat?