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New World Order is here...

Goldwater sees elitist sentiments threatening liberties

CFR Membership list?

When I watch modern politics and the phony news coverage of them, I concluded that the globalists use people's unwillingness to consider "conspiracy" theories to their advantage. People don't want to take the time to investigate "conspiracy" theories, and they don't want their beliefs that things are as they appear to be challenged.

Is it really that hard to believe that there are "secret" forces pulling the strings behind the scenes that are presented to the American people every day in our courtrooms, our media outlets, our college campuses, and our political rhetoric?

How else does one explain the virtual media blackout of whole segments of the American people, namely the far-right nationalists who are growing in number?

The 'panel' on FNC's Brit Hume show pretends that Fred Barnes is representative of the conservatives in America when he is actually a 'neocon', essentially an international socialist?

Michael Savage has been effectively blacked out of the mainstream media, especially since his brief stint on MSNBC, despite having 3 NYT best sellers?

Sean Hannity works for ABC radio, the same ABC he supposedly bashes every day for being part of the liberally biased MSM?

Nobody in the American government has been fired for the 'tragedy' that occurred on 9/11/01, in fact several members of the failed government have been given medals and awards for their 'service'?

Timothy McVeigh was rushed to the death chamber before attempts were made to fully investigate his connections with Saddam Hussein, yet within years America is at war with Saddam because of his supposed terror ties?