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Illogical war mongering...

The war mongers on the right insist that setting a “timetable” for our exit from Iraq would cause the terrorists to cease their jihad for the interim in an effort to convince the American people that our military is no longer needed to help prop up the puppet government in Iraq.

The day after our last man left Iraq, months or years too early the war mongers claim, massive violence would break out, and the ill-prepared Iraqi army would not be able to stand their ground.

This argument makes no sense. The reality of the situation is that American forces will only leave when the insurgency seems to be over, and will stay so long as it continues (think Korea). Only when the insurgents stop attacking will we leave their country. Therefore, the best way to get us to leave their country is by NOT attacking us and giving the illusion that Iraq has been pacified rather than attacking us and trying to rack up unacceptably high casualty rates.