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Empty Republican rhetoric...

H.R. 4379 states the following:

The Supreme Court of the United States and each Federal court--

  • (1) shall not adjudicate--
    • (A) any claim involving the laws, regulations, or policies of any State or unit of local government relating to the free exercise or establishment of religion;
    • (B) any claim based upon the right of privacy, including any such claim related to any issue of sexual practices, orientation, or reproduction; or
    • (C) any claim based upon equal protection of the laws to the extent such claim is based upon the right to marry without regard to sex or sexual orientation; and
  • (2) shall not rely on any judicial decision involving any issue referred to in paragraph (1).

How many United States Representatives have co-sponsored this bill?
How many members of the "pro-life" Republican party have agreed to back this piece of legislation which actually seeks to return power and responsibility of legislating into the Congress where it belongs?
How many individuals have signed onto this bill which, if passed, could have an immense impact towards restoring our Constitutional Republic, as well as restoring political power into local and State arenas where People are once again free to participate in their government?

Zero. Ron Paul is again on his own, standing up for the principles used as campain fodder by Republican politicians every other year. To him, those words are more than obligatory statements needed to satisfy a constituency. To the rest, they mean nothing.