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Current situation in Iraq

Terrorists in Iraq (though the American left seems to think the Iraq war has nothing to do with the WOT) believe that by blowing up car bombs and cutting off the heads of civilian contractors, they can force us to take certain political actions. The American left wants to capitulate. While I'm not willing to say that the liberals are "on the side" of the terrorists, if they were, they'd be doing the exact same thing they are doing now and have been doing since we readied for war almost 2 years ago.

George Bush's policy is that we will confront the terrorist thugs before they have an opportunity to attack us. Sounds good, but he has failed to live up to that promise. For us to be successful in the aftermath of the invasion and overthrow of Baghdad, things would have had to go near perfectly, and they did not. While US soldiers and Marines continue to perform wonderfully, the Iraqi people seem too willing to allow the violence in their country to continue. Instead of Saddam killing them, we are killing terrorists, and vice versa. The average Iraqi seems content to stay in the shadows and keep quiet.

The terrorists are no match for us militarily, however our morals and our military discipline are being used against us there just as are our courts and voting booths here at home. President Bush thought that we could/would band together once the fighting began so that the job could be done and completed as easily and bloodlessly as it could. I don't think he counted on the Democrats and the media dragging their heels and undermining our efforts at every turn.

The left in this country is stuck in the 70's, and for a variety of reasons, it seems to want the US to fail. They predicted a quagmire before the war, declared it as such almost immediately, and have since painted the war in the worst possible light at every opportunity. They have proven too much to overcome, in my opinion. Sadly, and at great cost to Iraqi people, we are stuck in a no-win situation. If we continue at the status quo, we make no gains while troops are picked off and civilians are beheaded one by one. The Bush administration had a chance to make a stand when the 4 civilians were burned and strung up in Fallujah several months ago. However, we were knee deep in the Abu Ghraib "abuses", and Bush was petrified. The terrorists got the message that we were indecisive and unwilling to win at all costs. They have not since looked back.