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Arafat goes to Paris

UPDATE (31 October 2004):

Sharon says Arafat will NOT be buried in Jerusalem. Good, that would only give his phony "Palestinian" leadership role legitimacy.

Original(28 October 2004)
Well, this settles it. The French government is coming out of the closet and telling the entire world that it is unashamedly anti-Semitic.
  • An aide said Arafat would be taken Friday morning to Amman, Jordan, where he will be flown by plane to Paris. French President Jacques Chirac's office said France will send a plane to transport Arafat.
As far as I'm concerned, Ariel Sharon should give the Mossad a green light take Arafat out if at all possible, and within weeks, should publicly declare France as an official enemy of Israel. Since the UN agrees with Chirac in regards to anti-Semitism, we won't hear anything from Kofi either. Alas, the free world is reduced to 3 states with useful military and intelligence services, Great Britain, America and Israel.