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Liberals seek a weaker America

An article appears on Frontpage Mag's website illustrating the complete distortion of the war effort in Iraq. Liberals are claiming that Bush told us Saddam was currently in possession of WMD with the imminent capability and intent to strike against us. Bush never said any such thing, but he has been less than adamant in making this point. Here are some excerpts from the article:
  • The joint congressional resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq and passed by majorities in both political parties, Democrats as well as Republicans and John Kerry and John Edwards in particular, has 23 "whereas" clauses articulating the rationale for the use of force. Only one of the 23 focuses on weapons of mass destruction
  • twelve of the clauses refer to Saddam's violation of 16 UN resolutions – resolutions which constituted the terms of the truce in the 1991 Gulf War
  • For those who have indeed forgotten, these are the facts: We have been continuously at war with Saddam Hussein since 1990. The conflict in 1990 was caused by Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait and was ended by a ceasefire, not a peace. The terms of the truce were embodied in UN resolutions 687 and 689. Fourteen subsequent UN resolutions were designed to compel Saddam to adhere to the terms of this truce which he continually violated but which the UN and the Clinton administration failed to enforce.

    Thus, it was Saddam Hussein's violation of these 16 resolutions and a 17th – Resolution 1441, a final ultimatum – that caused us to go to war.

  • UN Resolution 1441 called on Saddam Hussein to disarm and to provide an accounting for the disposition of all weapons of mass destruction that the UN inspectors had already identified.
  • In his book Disarming Iraq, chief UN inspector Hans Blix declares that this resolution was diplomatic language for a war ultimatum and that Saddam failed to meet the terms of the ultimatum. That was why we went to war.
  • We went to war because we could not maintain 200,000 troops in the desert indefinitely while Saddam played games with the UN inspectors.
  • We went to war because 17 defied UN resolutions had made the word of the UN and the United States meaningless – an extremely dangerous situation in itself.
  • We went to war against Saddam Hussein in the spring of 2003, because to withdraw the 200,000 troops without a war and without Saddam’s capitulation to the UN demands would be a catastrophic defeat for the forces of freedom and peace.
The underlying theme of the article is that the left in America wants the average American public to distrust its government-specifically when under Republican leadership. The left wants America to relinquish sovereignty in regards to our own defense, and to cede power from Congress to the UN Security Council. The left wants Americans to become too weak to defend itself from military enemies, and ultimately too weak to defend itself from communism-the ultimate goal of the left.

Other great reads on Frontpage mag today include: