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Liberal hypocrisy

I'm going to start a running list of what I see as stark hypocrisy evidenced by the American left. The "Liberal Creed" is a great place to start.

-Abortion is choice, but the death penalty for convicted criminals is cruel and unusual.
-Unilateral war without Congressional authorization is wrong, unless it's Bill Clinton dropping bombs in Kosovo.
-Halliburton should not be given no-bid contracts when a Republican is President, but it's okay when a Democrat is in the White House.
-The Democrat party says it is for the little guy, but 10 of the 12 wealthiest US Senators are Democrats.
-Democrats are telling us that rich people sit around and count their bank statements while the rest of the people toil at jobs where they are exploited and abused by greedy employers. Many of such Democrats are trust-fund babies who never earned a paycheck in their lives.
-Democrats also tell us that they want to "save" public education, but how many of their kids go to public schools?
-George Bush is a Christian bigot, but he has the most diverse cabinet ever.

Here's a great column asking where the women of the 1940's have gone and who has replaced them.