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Should we turn over control of Iraq to the UN?

According to the Council of Foreign Relations, John Kerry believes (or believed at one time) that "the United States should turn over political and economic rebuilding in Iraq to the United Nations."

Given what we know now, would this be a bad way to go forward? Tremendous progress is being made to rebuild Iraqi society into one of freedom for all, but the United States is spending a large amount of blood and treasure to achieve this progress. In the 19 months since we invaded, over 1000 Americans have died in Iraq, which is nearly 2 per day. We have spent over $100 billion dollars thus far, and there is no real end in sight.

On the other hand, members of the UN have shown no interest in getting involved in the effort to rebuild Iraq, and the oil for food scandal has shown the corruption of the UN leadership. Clearly, as shown in Cambodia, Haiti, and Sudan, the UN is unable or unwilling to take strong measures to control the humanitarian crises which have been entrusted unto it. Therefore, if America cedes control of Iraq to the UN, and it once again proves itself hapless to effect change and peace among a war torn country, it's complete uselessness will have been exposed.

As with the two choices we have for President, we may be stuck choosing a policy for Iraq which is the lesser of two evils. America can continue to rebuild Iraq while paying the bulk of the costs, and this will give Iraq the best chance to succeed. Or, we can let the UN fall on its face yet again, sacrificing thousands of Iraqi lives, with the hope that popular support for the UN in America will wane and we will pull out of the useless coalition.