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The next 2-4 years

Okay, George Bush and the Republicans have been given a loud message. America believes in the principles of the Republican platform. Now it's time to do something.
  • Get strong judges into the Supreme Court who read the Constitution as originally written
  • Close the borders
  • Adopt the fair tax and abolish the IRS
  • Repeal the 17th amendment and thereby restore some power to State governments
  • Repeal McCain/Feingold and restore free speech to federal campaigns
  • Encourage state legislatures to adopt stricter controls on voter eligibility
    1. If you don't pay income taxes, you don't vote
    2. If you receive welfare, you don't vote
    3. If you cannot complete a registration form and ballot in English, you don't vote
    4. If you cannot correctly answer simple questions such as "who is the VP" or "who is your current Representative" or "where is your state capital", you don't vote
    5. If you owe the government money, you don't vote