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Reading list 2 November 2004

New helmet design credited with saving soldier's life - I wonder if Kerry and Edwards voted against this equipment, too.

Dutch Filmmaker Theo Van Gogh Murdered (by a man with a "muslim appearance") for making a movie critical of woman's rights in muslim societies.

The International Christian Concern reports that a muslim protest of a Catholic school in Indonesia has forced a halt to church services on school grounds. When are the muslims going to protest the teaching of islam in US public schools?

Muslims Feel Militants Have Gone Too Far by killing women and children, causing "moderate" muslims to begin turning against them.

Campaigns say false calls made in Michigan, N.J., saying that Ret. Gen Norman Schwarzkopf supports Kerry, which is false.

Russian Scientist Surrenders Arms-Grade Plutonium after hiding it for 13 years.

Have you ever got the 'Things you have to believe to vote Republican' email? Here's a response.