USAF Col. (Ret) John Boyd's "OODA Loop"

The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.
War for Oil: George Bush isn't going to tell you about any of this...
Unless you're Chuck Grassley and you chair the Senate Finance committee. Apparently he wants to pass legislation early next year closing various tax loopholes relating to vehicle donation and building restoration, and he wants them to be retroactively applied.
As entered in the Congressional Record by Albert Herlong Jr.
According to the American Association of Fundraising Counsel:
Since 1998, charitable giving has been 2 percent or more of gross domestic product (GDP) following more than two decades below that mark. For 2003, total contributions are estimated to be 2.2 percent of GDP. The all-time high was 2.3 percent of GDP in 2000.
The quagmire that nobody talks about (in Bosnia)
Back in 1996, many on the American right were angry that President Clinton was receiving large sums of money from Chinese sources. Apparently, Clinton's opponents were worried that outside influences might impair our national electoral process.
In the wake of the recent earthquake and subsuquent tsunami, many people have been scrambling to organize relief efforts and to help the clean up effort. One individual named Jan Egeland of the United Nations came out with the following analysis about the financial contributions of certain countries (read: US):
I must admit that I was skeptical about dismissing the possibility of a woman being allowed to be elected President of the United States. In order to follow the argument I'll make, one need only apply basic logic and accept the premise that the Founders of The United States of America who wrote the Constitution used spacing, capitalization, punctuation and word choice extremely carefully.
(from Nealz Nooze - 22 December 2004)
Will the Imperial Federal Government of the United States ever actually cut spending or eliminate a spending program in our lives?
Will liberals ever admit that America is great because of the dynamic of people living under economic and social freedom, and not because of its government?
Will Royal ever settle down with some sweet young thing and have a few little Royals?
Will sellers of cheap cars ever stop screaming at us in their car commercials?
Why didn't that car dealer who was "Number two, gonna be number one" ever make it past number two?
Will liberals ever admit that freedom is worth fighting for, and even dying for?
Will Belinda ever get used to going to the bathroom indoors?
Will coach passengers on an American airline ever get served another hot meal?
Will Paris Hilton ever just go away and leave us alone?
Will Americans ever realize that tax and Social Security reform is far more important to their lives then who is doing what to whom with what in Hollywood?
Will we ever understand that Bill Clinton did a lot more than "lie about oral sex?"
Will flight attendants finally get tired of being completely ignored during those insipid safety announcements and just sit down?
Will Americans ever realize that public schools are government schools and are beyond salvaging?
Will Americans ever realize that there is something basically dangerous about the concept of democracy?
Will Americans ever understand the difference between racism and culturalism, and that some cultures, ours, for instance, are vastly superior to others?
Will the TSA ever stop groping 80 year-old women and start actually looking for terrorists?
Will the world ever realize that it is safer and better off without Saddam and will be even safer when freedom gains a real foothold in the Middle East?
Will Americans come to the realization that Saudi Arabia is not our friend?
Will the world ever realize that it is high time to start ignoring Jimmy Carter?
Will we ever realize that any tax system that punishes achievement and rewards laziness is destined to fail?
Will Clark Howard ever wear long pants to work?
Will people ever learn that cell phones can pick up the normal human voice, and that you don't have to scream to be heard?
Will we ever realize that for the most part speed limits are a revenue-raising measure and not a traffic safety measure?
Senate millionaires
Answer: She was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.
Privatizing SS is not going to solve the problem. The whole income redistribution scam needs to be abolished.
Nancy Pelosi recently sent this letter to President Bush, urging him to work with Democrats on determining various tax reform initiatives. 2 things struck me in reading the letter.
Is the Antiwar right now aligning itself with the far left?
We simply must take steps to combat global warming because it may cause tremendous damage to Earth in 300 years based on flimsy science which is NOT commonly accepted by mainstream science.
"I think Antonin Scalia ought not to be on the Supreme Court, let alone chief justice, because I think he lacks judicial temperament. ...[T]he second thing after a work ethic that you look for when you're appointing a judge or a justice is judicial temperament. That means -- in our judicial system, it's very important for the loser and/or the winner in any case to be -- to feel like they've been treated fairly and respectfully by the court system. That's what is [sic] the glue that binds us together as a society. When you are sarcastic and mean-spirited, as [Justice Scalia] often is from the bench, it leaves the...loser in that case feeling as if they were not respected by the judicial system, and that's why you don't put people with bad temperament on the -- on any court, and I certainly don't think they should be on the Supreme Court of the United States." --Howard Dean
Here's what we should be teaching our children this Christmas season.
Barry Goldwater supported abortion and Roe v Wade in his final years?
"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
This is not a trick.
Sgt. Hook calls out Michael Moore: will the fat slob put his money where his twinkies usually are?
I'm fed up with the commercialization of Christmas. Once upon a time, the 25th of December was a day on which Americans celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. Somewhere along the way, it became a day where we also decided to buy lots of things for our family and friends, but we still celebrated the root meaning of the day. Now, we have nearly come full circle, in that Jesus' name is being taken out of "holiday parades" and "seasonal activities" in the name of diversity and tolerance. I've had enough. My family and friends are getting yellow ribbons for their cars, Bibles, and I'll make a donation to this cause on their behalf.
Here are two articles I enjoyed, one about national ID cards and the other about social security numbers being optional, and a wrap up of my recent encounter with the TSA.
Illegal immigration: The Balkanization of America by Frosty Wooldridge
We already know about "Secret laws", now the US government can go into secret courts to obtain permission to surveil "lone wolf" terrorists. This new provision comes to us via the Intelligence Reform bill that we were told was so critical it needed to be passed this week. Most likely, it would have been given much more scrutiny had the vote been held until the new Congress comes in next month. In addition to lowering 4th amendment protections more than ever before, the bill also makes it easier for the government to deny bail in terrorism investigations.
Once upon a time, this country believed in slavery. And wide spread immigration. And English only in the public arena. And strong homeland security. And traditional values such as traditional heterosexual marriage.
Is the AIDS crisis really as bad as we are told, or is it another avenue for the global socialists to advance their agenda, namely by using American tax dollars to subsidize irresponsibile behavior in other countries?
HR 5254 of the 108th Congress is a bill which provides a tax incentive for businesses which pay for employee training. HR 5384 of the 108th Congress is a bill which provides for a federal tax credit for State income taxes and local sales taxes. Are these also "tax cuts for the rich"?
Kojo Annan is looking more and more guilty in the oil for food scandal all the time.
Walter Williams explains why laws cannot, should not, and will not be the solution to the problems in American society today.