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More hypocrisy from the Bushbots...

I just couldn't pass this one up, an entry by Thomas DiLorenzo on Lew Rockwell blog:

For the past week, every time I've tuned in to one of the foaming-at-the-mouth neocon radio blabbermouths to see what the White House Lie of the Day is, they've been going on and on and on about how so many retailers have eliminated the word "Christmas" from their advertising and are using "Holiday" instead. Whether it's the local neocon Bush worshippers here in Baltimore, or the national neocon Bush worshippers like Hannity, Liddy and Limbaugh, it's been the exact same complaint: Those cowardly business people have caved in to "The Left" and have besmirched Christmas and Christianty. They are waging letter-writing and telephone complaint campaigns against Target, Wal-Mart, Lands End, Sears, and many others. They're outraged. Outraged!

Guess what? The man who the neocon radio talking heads love more than life itself, the man who will save all of humanity by eradicating evil from the planet, the man who will inevitably be judged as a prophet, the man who cannot speak in complete sentences or read off of note cards, the man whose closest friends call him "Dub-Yuh," has sent out White House "Holiday Greetings" cards with no mention at all of Christmas! Oh, what a dilemma this creates for the bla, bla, bla, bla, bla class.