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Today's Democrats

The Dems currently in Congress who are military vets (the list you'd get off are "old school" Democrats who are really more like Zell Miller than they'd like to admit. Now, I admire their service, however, the current crop of Democrats seem to have either forgotten or deliberately abandoned their principles which drove them to serve.

Unfortunately, they've chosen partisan politics over the nationalism which originally drove them to serve in the US military. Clearly, many current Democrat leaders served, and I both respect and thank them for their service. There is no doubt that many leaders in today's America served honorably, yet I believe that those Democrats who are military veterans who choose to support HANOI Kerry over George Bush are doing so for partisan, politcal ends. Those Democrats who truly believe in America's greatness and responsibility, such as Zell Miller and Joseph Lieberman, do so for national responsiblity first, and partisan politics second.