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Proud to be an American or embarassed?

I am getting sick and tired of liberals and the PC police telling us that Americans who want to proclaim that we are "one nation under God" or display the flag are being divisive.

According to Truth of Fiction:
  • In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, a "God Bless America" banner was erected at the Wolf Creek Elementary School. There were a few complaints to the school board and an opinion from the Oklahoma State School Boards Association was interpreted to mean the banner ought to be taken down.
  • In Berkeley, American flags were placed on fire trucks after the September 11 attacks. According to a 9/20/01 UPI report, city officials felt it would be best to take the flags off because of expected anti-war rallies.
  • The Florida Gulf Coast University story is also true. Library services director Kathy Hoeth told workers at service desks to remove stickers that said "Proud to be an American." She said she feared they would offend foreign students.
Michael Newdow has attempted, unsuccessfully, to have the Supreme Court remove the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance. However, the court simply said that he didn't have legal standing to sue, so the issue will almost definitely be raised again. What if John Kerry appoints the next justice or justices to SCOTUS?

A school in New Hampshire has decided to ban a photo of a young man in his high school yearbook which shows him posing with a shotgun on his shoulder.

There are many, many more examples of this going on around this country. The left is trying to destroy American culture by infusing other traditions in their stead. Whatever happened to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's birthdays being national holidays?