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Shades of grey

One major issue of this election which escapes me is the left's reaction to Americans who do not want "gay marraige" to be a "right". Usually, our friends on the left want everything to be shades of grey, everything being a nuanced distinction with several variables and elements.

However, they have chosen to make gay "marraige" their black and white issue. In their eyes, anyone who supports traditional marraige is a bigot or a homophobe who wants to turn back the clock to the 1940's when blacks rode in the back of the bus. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What the left is failing to see here is the compromise being offered, the middle ground of this issue which I think most Americans in fact DO support. That middle area which I find to be most appropriate is to make all of the civil, legal options available to husbands and wives available to any pair of people. This includes death benefits, hospital visitation, etc. However, marraige shall be defined simply as "one man and one woman" and gay couples should be given a lower priority on adoption waiting lists than husbands and wives.