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Where are the WMD?

Once upon a time, President Bush told us that Saddam possessed the capability and determination to create and use or sell WMD. While we took diplomatic action at the UN, they were likely destroyed, hidden, or moved to other countries. (Syria, Lybia,...?) Colin Powell is likely to blame for the delay, but there is no doubt in my mind that there were at one time WMD in Iraq. Unfortunately, they are not there now. While we continue to commit our focus and most of our military to the "liberation" and "democratization" of Iraq, the WMD are still out there. Iraqis have lived under a dictator for 30 years, is one or two more going to hurt that bad? Are we going to finally get them a "working democracy", only to have it defeated by a WMD attack on Baghdad because we lost focus on the real dangers?