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Inalienable rights

"I'm not going to appoint a judge to the Court who's going to undo a constitutional right, whether it's the First Amendment, or the Fifth Amendment, or some other right that's given under our courts today...."

John Kerry said this in response to a question in a debate about SCOTUS appointments and in relation to the lynch pin of the liberal movement, abortion. Sadly but not suprisingly, Kerry and the left continue to perpetuate the myth that citizens' rights flow from government to people. Of course, anyone who has read and understands the intent of our founders and why they fought the British knows this is categorically incorrect. America and its Constitution were/are revolutionary, because it was the first country which recognized that people possess certain rights just by virtue of being alive. Not only have the Democrats fooled half of America into thinking rights come from government, they've indoctrinated large numbers of people into thinking said rights include housing, food, a job, retirement income, health care, and the right to murder unborn children.