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Post VP Debate

Clearly Dick Cheney was too much for the trial lawyer to handle last night, but let's take a look at how this could translate in the November 2 voting. I saw 3 key points which need to be expanded on by President Bush in his 2 remaining debates.

First, as the Vice President stated more than once, Kerry and Edwards are talking tough during the campaign however they have no record of supporting defense issues in the past. In fairness, Edwards is a newbie in Washington, but he has managed to miss nearly all of the Intelligence committee meetings that he could have attended. However, John Kerry has consistently voted for cuts in defense spending and reductions in intelligence services. This is simply unacceptable in a post 9/11 world. We cannot take a chance on a President with absolutely NO record of aggressive foreign policy.

Second, John/John have demonstrated time and again that they simply do not have the convictions needed to defeat a ruthless enemy such as the one we face today. Recall, Kerry and Edwards were behind the Patriot Act and they both supported giving President Bush the authority to use force in Iraq. However, when the headlines turned negative, and Howard Dean began his rise in the Democrat primary, Kerry began meandering between war-monger and dove. Having declared Saddam a threat to the world, and a clear danger to global stability, John Kerry began resembling someone shadow boxing himself. Voting for the war, then against the funding, then calling it a quagmire, then saying Iraq is a haven for terrorists, then saying that Iraq is a diversion from the "real" War on Terror, then saying he'd vote the same way again even knowing what we know now, then saying the war may or may not be worth the effort depending on the outcome. Despite the simple and undeniable fact that Kerry and Edwards have no clear position on the War in Iraq other than to criticize everything done by President Bush, it's clear that the Johns simply do not possess the strength of conviction needed to defeat islamo-fascists around the globe who are currently threatening the future of western culture.

Third, both Kerry and Edwards have consistently downplayed the assistance we are getting from other countries, while suggesting the Kerry has the credibility to go to the international community to garner help from allies. When asked about recent statements from Paris and Berlin that neither government plans to send troops into Iraq in 2005 under any circumstance, Edwards avoided the issue all together. Edwards went on to restate the tired claim that the US is paying 90% of the bills in Iraq while suffering 90% of the casualties. Cheney pointed out that our current financial contribution is around $120 billion while other nations have kicked in nearly $90 billion through aid and forgiven debt. (Not to mention the collapse of the corrupt oil for food racket, orchestrated by Kofi Annan) Also, Cheney pointed out that nearly as many Iraqis have been killed trying to defend their country as policemen and soldiers in the new Iraqi army as have Americans. Mere minutes after Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi spoke to Congress to thank them for supporting his country and his people, Kerry rushed out there saying Allawi is nothing more than a US puppet. John Kerry has said that this is the wrong war at the wrong time. Kerry has repeatedly stated that Bush has gone alone into this war, Bush has been arrogant in ignoring our allies, and Kerry has even gone as far as to say that those helping us in Afghanistan and Iraq are a "coalition of the coerced and bribed". Forgive me, but I do not understand how Kerry will be able to convince anyone to help him after his reckless and irresponsible statements over the past year.