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Media bias or flat out lies?

John Kerry's entire foreign policy rests on the premise that the inspections in Iraq were "working" and that the inspectors should have had more time. Unfortunately, President Bush has been hesitant for some reason to bring the oil for food scam to the forefront. The allegations are that UN member states were taking bribes from Saddam in exchange for promises to get the sanctions lifted against him and his government. In a leadup to the story on yesterday's Abrams report, the host said the following:
"...Plus, a new report says in the face of some of the toughest economic sanctions any country has ever faced, Saddam Hussein was able to evade the U.N., make a hefty profit, $11 billion. How did he do it and who will be held responsible? ..."

EVADE THE UN? No, how about this, Dan? Saddam and the UN evaded the truth, the US Congress, and the Iraqi people suffering the wrath of a murderous dictator.

View the entire transcript here.