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John Kerry and terrorism

The debate last Friday night was an overwhelming success for President Bush. The questions seemed to favor the President, Kerry was handcuffed trying to spin his way out of directly answering them and in doing so, he made one point overwhelmingly clear. He has no legitimate and credible position on Iraq, nor can he ever achieve one.

Long ago, back in the days of President Bush 41, Kerry opposed removing Saddam from Kuwait. Then, in 1998, Kerry decided that Saddam posed a grave threat and his quest for WMD could not be allowed to continue. President Bush asked Congress to give him the authority to use force against Saddam, and Kerry voted yea. Then, during the Democrat primary, Howard Dean surged ahead with his outright anti-war position. Kerry panicked, and rashly voted against a funding bill which was supposed to supply our troops in combat with the materials they needed. Since winning the Democrat nomination came the following Kerry statements about the war in Iraq. It is the wrong war at the wrong time. We should spend any amount of money necessary to win. Our coalition is coerced and bribed. Kerry has the credibility to go back to our allies and get them to help [even though France and Germany have recently said they're out, no matter what] Iraq was a diversion in the war on terror. He's the man to win the war in Iraq. President Bush took his eye off the ball by going into Iraq. Inspections in Iraq were working before we invaded. Iraq is now a haven for terrorists. Bush had no plan for "winning the peace". Kerry has always thought Saddam was a threat. A new report shows Iraq wasn't a threat.

After ALL that, last Friday night, he had the audacity to state that his position on Iraq has been the same all along. Oh really, Senator?