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Upcoming Important Elections

This coming Saturday, 10 million people in Afghanistan will cast ballots for their choice as to who should represent them in the new Afghan government. Current President Hamid Karzai is leading the race, but Afghan law requires a 50% + 1 majority to elect, so a runoff could take place later. In Australia, current PM John Howard is facing off with challenger Mark Latham as well this weekend. While Howard is outspokenly pro-American, Latham has made it clear that he will lead Australia to pull out of Iraq and provide the terrorists with another moral victory as Spain did previously. In less than 5 weeks, America will vote choose between President Bush and John Kerry, in what appears to be a similar choice being faced by the Aussies. Vote Bush for victory, vote Kerry for nuanced sensitivity, and global tests. Several Senate races are worth watching as well. Who will replace John Edwards in NC? How about retiring Bob Graham in Florida? Tom Daschle has transformed himself into a pseudo-conservative as he faces a tough challenge in South Dakota by John Thune. Oklahoma is a toss-up right now, as Don Nickles is retiring. Democrat Brad Carson and Republican Tom Coburn are looking to be the new junior Senator from Oklahoma. Finally, Iraqi elections are scheduled for next January.

By the time this all unfolds, people across America and around the world will have made some difficult and important choices. Islamo-terrorists will see one of two messages very soon. Either terrorism works, and people are scared. Or not. Let us all ask for God's blessing to be with the people of Afghanistan and Australia this weekend as they begin to answer the question for the people of the world.