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Debate I wrapup

I watched most of the debate and NONE of the spin afterwards. It now appears that Kerry was the decisive victor, according to virtually all media. I heard very little new rhetoric from either man, while continuing to hear John Kerry refuse to state a clear position on Iraq as to what he would do as Commander in Chief. At one point, we heard that Kerry wouldn't give any nation a veto over American interests. Then, he went on to tell us about a "global test" in which our actions would be subject to world opinion.

The media has declared Kerry the winner for two reasons. First, Kerry was able to weave seemingly opposing views into one platform and the "Old Media" won't call him out on it since it is uniformly in the tank for Kerry. Democrat voters walked away thinking that Kerry was for the war, against the war, for Saddam's removal from power, against removing Saddam from power, for unilateral action, and against unilateral action. In 90 minutes, he managed to say all this without actually settling on any one position. Second, the "New Media" realized that Bush needs to come out on the offensive and really highlight the weaknesses of Kerry's flip flops as well as his vacant 20 year Senate history. The win is there for Bush to take, but he continues to take the high road and allow Senator Kerry to stay in the race with his lies and distortions.