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The silent muslim takeover of America

"According to The Kansas City Star, third-, fourth- and fifth-graders in Herndon, Virginia, are to be given lessons in the three Rs: Reading, ‘Riting, and Ramadan. During this instruction, public school children will play act being Muslims, and, perhaps unwittingly, convert to Islam."

Great. Public schools are being forced to remove the word Christmas from calendars, those who want US flags to hang in each classroom are being opposed, teachers who wear a necklace displaying the cross are being threatened, and funds are being used to teach English to foreign students. Now, public schools are having children recite the official proclamation one utters when making the official committment to islam, and the schools are forcing children to study and memorize koranic verses. Where is the ACLU on this?

Religion does not belong in public school classrooms. Individuals should be afforded the ability to display their faith in a respectful manner, however using public funds to force islam down the throats of American public school students is way over the line. Why is valuable class time being wasted on teaching the fundamentals of the religion of terror and hate instead of teaching math, reading and science? I see this as another ploy by the useful idiots of the communists who have infiltrated our society. By teaching kids that islam is equal to Christianity, they will ultimately teach that all religions are silly, empty, and for the uneducated. They will teach kids that religion is to blame for all of the ills in the world, and that only those who turn away from God all together will realize the global utopia envisioned by liberals. Would that be like the USSR? Faith in Jesus Christ and God almighty is the only thing that can save America from its current path of destruction and demise.