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USA Reservist sentenced to 8 years

I think this is an absolute outrage. This soldier was doing a difficult job in a prison in Baghdad. He was overseeing the section of Abu Ghraib where many of Saddam's former henchmen were being held. These prisoners were surely in possession of some very important intelligence as to what threats we were facing in Iraq and possibly information as to what happened to the WMD that were in Iraq in recent years. He should immediately be pardoned, with a promotion in rank. This man put panties on the heads of some of the worst thugs in Saddam's corrupt government, and George Bush has hung him out to dry. Dan Rather should be tried for treason, as this story has shown the enemy that we are weak and unable to fight them in the only manner which will allow us to be successful.

Message to Staff Sergeant Ivan "Chip" Frederick and his family:
God Bless you for sacrificing for America. You will not be forgotten. Many of us are outraged and we won't allow this travesty to continue. You are a hero in my eyes, not a criminal. The left-wing anti-American media is the real criminals here.